Reviews for Card Captor Sakura: The Next Quest
CalcBoy91 chapter 54 . 9/17/2012
Life rarely has completely happy endings. If your goal is to be realistic (despite magic being...well...not real) a semi-tragic but more on the happy side would be nice. If you want to be totally realistic...well, what are the chances of a "happily ever after" in this fic?

I think that death is unwarranted and a bit
sakurayoh chapter 30 . 8/13/2010
I've been reading and rereading this story, it;s one of my top fav fanfictions. it's been a while since you updated. I hope you will continue with this story soon
Reukuna chapter 54 . 10/11/2008
-Blink- -Blink- GAH! HAPPY ENDING PLEASE'NESS! I wanna have a happy ending, please? By the way, YOU ROCK MY ANIME WORLD! GO YUY/LI AND KINOMOTO! WOOHOO!
Kailstormfire chapter 54 . 9/16/2008
At last! The dude updated! Thank the gods!

*throws party poppers*

happy one man! I wanna happy ending! Onegai!
Taeniaea chapter 53 . 5/31/2008
Great Story!
midnightblue123 chapter 53 . 7/28/2007
i love the crossovers! heero and sakura...come to think of it, that is a good couple! please don't take a whole year to update!
iczy chapter 53 . 7/13/2007
a wedding~ wow this is a surprise, def'ly a twist.

and Sakura's mother is here! OMG how interesting

hope the wedding go smoothly until they say "i do"
sarahhasley chapter 53 . 7/5/2007
suprised extremally. he proposed! i never thought that you would go that far in this story. oii! i am laughing so hard i think i am going into a coma. (five months later) i woke up. jk but i am having a giggleing fit right know. what does okaa san mean. oh yeah and also why! why! why do you make such interesting chapters and why did you put in my head yuy sakura. its not fair. (balls up and pouts.) it not fair i was just starting to understand the story. i think you are a wonderful writer. thanks for writing this story and please finsh it.
sarahhasley chapter 52 . 7/5/2007
is there really liquer that expensive. i liked this chapter. but if i remembered last time before sakura changed light and dark li told her that he loved her. but who knows i am half asleep.
sarahhasley chapter 51 . 7/5/2007
i liked this chapter. i wonder how heero reacted whem he heard his girlfriend caught the boqet. probally a tad suprised.
sarahhasley chapter 50 . 7/5/2007
i liked this section alot. i should of known that you would never make a chapter that didn't include a clow card coming into the picture or some bad guy or something that just changed everything that happenes.
sarahhasley chapter 49 . 7/5/2007
i liked this chapter alot. i don't know why but i kept laughing during this chapter. who knows. i am strang anything can make me smile or laugh. i liked this chapter though so don't you dare think that i am just saying you are good. i mean it when i say that you are a wonderful writer.
sarahhasley chapter 48 . 7/4/2007
i liked this section of the story it was funny. i am extremally confused about something though. when i imagine what heero looks like. (because i never saw the show.) i see chad off of bleach. is that what he looks like i am confused. :P
sarah chapter 47 . 7/4/2007
i really like this chapter a lot. you are a wonderful writer. thank you for writing this story. i hope that i can ead the rest.
sarahhasley chapter 46 . 7/3/2007
this was a good section. i am kinda confused though. i cannot comprehend what jsut happened. it is so tedious. i just want to pull my hair out and it gives me a headache when i try to think about it. thanks for writing this chapter. it was very good you are a wonderful writer. i will read the rest soon i hope bye.
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