Reviews for Connections
BubblyShell22 chapter 25 . 5/10/2015
Awesome ending. I really liked it and how Don had these thoughts. Any plans of a sequel or is this it? Nicely done on this. I loved it.

The Bubbly One,
Storm chapter 25 . 5/9/2015
This was so sweet, I love the idea that he discovers he love her in the season finale.
BubblyShell22 chapter 24 . 4/3/2015
Awesome chapter. Yep, Don's going to beat himself up over that, but at least he has April and his brothers to comfort him. Nicely done on this. I'll be eagerly awaiting an update.

The Bubbly One,
miceaholic chapter 24 . 4/3/2015
BubblyShell22 chapter 23 . 3/22/2015
Awesome chapter. I loved the introduction of the spyroach and how it's going to be used next. Nicely done on this. I'll be eagerly awaiting an update.

The Bubbly One,
Guest chapter 23 . 3/21/2015
BubblyShell22 chapter 22 . 11/26/2014
Awesome chapter. Being that math is my worst enemy, I can relate to how April feels, though for me it was always fractions and never trig as I never took that subject. Oh, and statistics, too. I HATED that one. But at least she has someone to help her study. Nicely done on this. I'll be eagerly awaiting an update.

The Bubbly One,
BladedBlossom chapter 21 . 9/29/2014
I can't wait until Leo's proven right. Of course, Karai's the only one for him, and she's got honor and heart.
BladedBlossom chapter 20 . 9/29/2014
This episode was good and bad. I loved Leo/Karai but I was angry at Splinter for seeming to not care about Leo's very valid feeling of wanting appreciation or acknowledgement for the sacrifices he makes. I don't remember Leo telling April he was tired of being responsible. I don't think he is. He would just like an occasional day off, maybe.
BladedBlossom chapter 16 . 9/29/2014
Leo's my favorite turtle and you just showed why here. There is no one better to fill his role. He shows concern in a formal, reserved, yet still incredibly caring way. It's a real gift to be able to convey heart and emotion while still being all business. I think you have a good handle on these characters.
BladedBlossom chapter 8 . 9/29/2014
I especially liked April's interactions with Leo, but also liked Raph's there-but-not-there interjections.
BladedBlossom chapter 5 . 9/29/2014
Ha. A perfect choice of turtle to deliver the brutal reality. Mikey would feel too bad about it, of course Donnie can't, and Leo...Well, Leo would be diplomatic but probably accept no for an answer eventually.

I'm not sure Raph is so much worried for April herself. It's more about what April is doing to his family. But I've never seen Raph quite in this noble light before. Nice job.
BladedBlossom chapter 2 . 9/29/2014
Not being a particular April fan, I have to admit I never gave her feelings much thought. But this totally makes sense.

I'm not a Donnie/April shipper, either. And Casey? Seriously? Donnie's more suited to her than Casey, but Donnie's problem is that he's such a dork. Sorry for the rant, but yeah, it's the one aspect of this series I hate.
BladedBlossom chapter 1 . 9/29/2014
This is very true. :) I like this introspective start.
Dragonblooded chapter 21 . 9/28/2014
I saw what you did there, referencing Karai and Medusa. Clever, clever. Foreshadowing is always fun.
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