Reviews for The War Chronicles: Revolution
crittle247 chapter 6 . 10/9/2016
I have to say, I've just read all your other Being Human stories and finally got to this one...please update soon. I haven't found a BH story (outside of episode fillers) that I've really enjoyed. You have taken the parts of the show that I loved and made a really intriguing take on the series. I'm not a big fan of AU stories in any of the fiction I read, but I am deeply enjoying yours. So please don't let this great peice of work be left unfinished.
jinxcat21 chapter 6 . 8/26/2016
Damn it, please finish this! It's like ending a TV season on a cliffhanger! Need to, need to, need to know how this ends! Please please please!
TerraMacMillan chapter 6 . 8/15/2015
Update soon!
HobbitLover4eva chapter 6 . 8/14/2015
dude, i love the song Failure. Crap, when is Lucian going to find Mitchell's fate?
ofahattersmind chapter 6 . 8/14/2015
Excellent update! I'm really enjoying the way you write Darius! I can hear Idris saying the dialogue as I read it. Thank you for another gripping chapter!
Dragon77 chapter 6 . 8/14/2015
I can’t wait to read what happens next.
ck chapter 6 . 8/14/2015
Very intense chapter, Mitchell impressed alright - the wrong way but I like him for all the more. Complicated vampire politics is more dangerous than originally thought. Waiting anxiously for the next chapter.
LadyCavil chapter 5 . 8/10/2015
Everything's getting so intense! I can't wait for more! XD
TerraMacMillan chapter 5 . 8/10/2015
Great job! Update soon!
ck chapter 5 . 8/9/2015
Love it, new BH fan - blame Poldark for just discovering Aidan Turner and BH. Very interesting story and you have roped me in. H/C is good, very good and Mitchell, of course, when Mitchell is judged he will impress (right?).
HobbitLover4eva chapter 5 . 8/8/2015
duddde! Mitchell is gonna be sized up. can't wait for the next one!
ofahattersmind chapter 5 . 8/8/2015
Fantastic! This is an incredible update, and well worth the wait! I'm so glad we got to see both Mitchell and Rory's sides of things, and I'm always a sucker for Darius XD
The confrontation between Darius and Mitchell was glorious, and you wrote it so well!
I applaud you, and I want to tell you that though I have been silent whilst reading most of this story, I apologize for that. Only after writing and posting work of my own do I understand how important and wonderful it is to receive reviews and comments on our writings.
This is my favorite fic of any fandom, and I appreciate your efforts and the time you've been able to spare to write this. Your language is exquisite, and the characterization of your ocs is breathtaking. Lucian and Mitchell's relationship always warms my heart, as does Lucian's interactions with Rory and Annie. He's the father figure they all needed so desperately, and I can't watch or see photos of Being Human without replacing canon with your storyline.
There is a satisfying feeling of justice and honesty in your fanfiction, and I'm so glad that you're still working on it. I understand how hard it gets to just keep writing, and I'm so proud of you for sticking to this in spite of your doubts that anyone is still reading it.
I really like where this is headed, and I look forward to what you have in store for us.
Keep up the wonderful work!
RoblynM chapter 4 . 7/30/2015
Recent Being Human fan here. As I always do when I find a new ship I can't resist (A/M), I came in search of fic & you did not disappoint. Hoping to see more soon. Thank you for sharing!
JeanLaQ chapter 4 . 7/4/2015
I am glad Rory told Lucian about what he's heard. I think it will only help Lucian to have all the info he can possibly get, even if he thinks it's just rumors. I am also glad he's taking Mitchell with him to Romania. Mitchell was just making himself crazy holed up in that attic and dwelling on Daisy & Cara; he needs to get out of there and focus on something else. I look forward to seeing those two in action with the Council. Sweet scene with Annie & Mitchell, too! Thanks for the update, and good luck with your plan to power through to the end. (though I will be sad to see the end of this story)
JeanLaQ chapter 3 . 7/4/2015
So I wanted to reread chapter 3 before delving into chapter 4, and I see I never left a review for #3! Ooops! I enjoyed the interaction between Annie & Lucian here; I think they make a really good friendship. The conversation with Darius was a bit ominous I think - he doesn't seem to be too trusting of Lucian as far as Mitchell and Rory are concerned. Hmmm, will have to see what happens there! Ugh Tom, stirring up trouble! I hope Rory sticks with Lucian!
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