Reviews for Bathing the Master
singedbylife chapter 1 . 4/13/2016
Chilling and hot
Kal-El Fornia chapter 1 . 6/25/2014
This story is kind of fucked. I mean, damn. I always feel bad for Theon whenever I see him and Ramsay just chilling, and the fact that he's a eunuch makes it squeamish to sit back and watch earlier episodes with him in it.

Though, I do have to say that this story was quite good otherwise. The relationship between Reek and Ramsay is a very disturbing one to put it mildly, and you shone a dark light right here with this tale.
nakala chapter 1 . 6/20/2014
He enjoys the company, and the silence it keeps.

I really liked this line.
Wow these are just so...devious. I keep thinking Ramsey is going to force Theon to do something crazy or worse but no it's just thus simple invasive act that's not really invasive at all. You do it so well. Write this story that builds this sense of dread up until the end. Good job and I hope there are more.
Rascal chapter 1 . 6/9/2014
That's Ramsay alright. Good scene.
I pray that Theon gets to kill Ramsay.
They deserve that.