Reviews for Passion Grasp
OstaraNight chapter 1 . 2/16/2019
Loved this! :)
spilihp17 chapter 1 . 7/21/2016
Woah, to say this was intense would be an understatement. It's been a while since i've read a shikatem fic that's dared to go beyond the easy fluff and attempted to capture the audience with a more darker theme. I must say you definitely have done an amazing job.

The setting of the story was perfect, and i loved the way it moved. The jumps between the fake reality of his surroundings and the memory of tem acting as his voice of reason was very fitting to the plot and i can totally picture the memory of tem or even tem herself being Shika's solace.

I really enjoyed reading this fic and i will get around to reading your other stories soon.
shikamaru-is-bae chapter 1 . 4/21/2016
Mangaka Shuzen chapter 1 . 10/21/2015
Holy crap this is deep. I love it.
Ba-sing-saying chapter 1 . 9/15/2015
This fic was super interesting, and since my experience with Naruto is limited mostly to fanfic, I didn't know the context at first. Now that I have a better idea of why the setting is what it is, I like it even more. You did a great job writing both the dream and the memory. The dream made me unable to pinpoint just what was wrong, but clearly conveyed that everything was out of place, and the memory, by contrast, was very clear (...and hot). Awesome writing.
anamicenas chapter 1 . 5/25/2015
This is one of the best fics ever written for Shikatema. It should be a must read for any real fan because is simply amazing. Starting with the deeply and meaningful sense of the dream and the way his brain just couldn't let go and kept clinging to a memory so strong and so real that kept fighting against the genjutsu. I loved the balance between the darker feel of the dream, that tried to take over his mind with those emotionless images and that so abruptly his memories came back and how strong those feelings where. I remember reading this one before you explained a little on Tumblr on how you came up with this and truthfully I understood your point since the way you wrote this was so perfect. And I cannot forget to tell you that the way you write sex was so beautiful and hot and sexy, wild and omg I don't know what else to say because is brilliant and I can understand how the brain of such a genius use such a powerful memory to fight back. Thank you so much for writing this, is really one of the best pieces out there and you truly make them justice :)
GissRiver chapter 1 . 3/15/2015
I was catching up with the story and i was loving it so far, But the ending sorta confused me...please explain me , I'll thank you
kiti4life chapter 1 . 12/3/2014
Great story. Nicely done.
chfeather1 chapter 1 . 7/30/2014
This is the first story I'm reading by you. And I've got to say this is absalutley amazing. I couldn't stop reading at any point. Shikamaru and Temari are two of my favorite characters in the Naruto series and what you did with this story, was just really awesome. I can't really accuratly describe how much I liked it. I can't wait to read your other stories about them! And I've noticed you have Legend of Zelda as well, I'll have to read those as well. :D
Cafe de Flore chapter 1 . 7/7/2014
Regarding ShikaTema fics I always prefer darker, moody stories as I don't see them as a usual vanilla couple, so I liked your story a lot.
I must praise how you write sex too - it was so detailed but never got boring, very intimate and fit so well with their characters.
And this might not be the right place to say, but the chapter 678 and Temari appearing in Shikamaru's perfect dream - it says a lot, doesn't it? We're not shipping a couple that is not going to happen in manga/anime, we are adding something to a story that is already happening, but not being shown.
Anyway, I loved your story, hope you're planning to write some more of M. :)
Clementive chapter 1 . 6/21/2014
I liked how you contrasted ShikaTema battle for dominance with his struggle to break free of the genjutsu. I don't know if that was intentional but it made everything come into place. Your writing style is simply beautiful. And the end? I could gush forever about it. :P

Thank you for sharing this and submitting it to us. :) Your submission has been put in our queue. _
Little Town chapter 1 . 6/9/2014
Woah, man. I liked that. I don't know how to describe it, but... I liked it.
Clairette chapter 1 . 6/4/2014
Well, I really liked it. Thanks to your warning, I did not get confused while reading the story. Chapter 678 really inspired a lot of people! I'm gonna read your other stuff, since I think I have discovered a great author!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/3/2014
ur cool i liked this
AleniaDark chapter 1 . 6/3/2014
I love it.
It was so... thought provoking and well written!
Is this meant to be him fighting against his dream made by Madara's Jutsu?
I... I love it! I am actually in awe because this was so well written...
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