Reviews for Cross to Bear
4everSPN chapter 68 . 9/23
I'm so happy, but so sad that it's over.
I loved this story. Thanks so much for writing this. ️️
4everSPN chapter 51 . 9/20
Just had a look at your art. They're great!
harmonious chapter 68 . 2/26/2018
This is quite possibly one of the most original fanfics l have ever read. I even liked your OC and its very hard for me to find OC's that are likable. But Jet, while he was close to perfection, he had many flaws and hilarious enough that it didn't bother me. Also, I loved seeing Mary and John be a kickass couple. Strangely my least favorite character here was Dean and Dean is my favorite character aside from Castiel. I think you wrote Dean well when describing his interactions with other characters especially with his brothers and Jet. However, when it was just focused on his thoughts it didn't feel quite right. I wish I could explain better but honestly Dean is a hard character to write. And considering that is my only issue with the story you did amazingly well! I didn't expect the last ten chapters honestly and the direction the end took. Except the God part, I figured he base to be responsible.
Cari chapter 3 . 3/6/2017
We share the same birthday. :) I like the story.
TheMentalDilemma chapter 68 . 1/25/2017
I cried like three seperate times in the last two chapters.

Thank so much for sharing this work
TwinkleTuFf chapter 68 . 11/28/2016
It's 3 in the morning but I did it. I finished it. XD Lol that was quite a ride. I'm amazed you were able to write so. much. But definitely worth the read! Oh my gosh. I don't even know where to start? Um okay kid winchesters? The most adorable thing ever so thank you for not skipping over that. I'm not a real big fan of time skips but ya made it work. I also loved how you added all the side characters from the show like Charlie and Garth and Bobby and especially Meg! I know I said it before but I love your characterization of her! And yay! Sammy finally got his crush's heart! And speaking of Jet. Wow. Dude. One of the best OC's I've read in a while. Usually OC's made by authors tend to be...welll, annoying but honestly I loved him so much! Of course Cas is my baby so I'm glad for it being Cas centric. He's just the cutest thing ever! Oh and I loved how you did the whole different POV in the story bc I did like getting to see different people's reactions to certain situations! Oh! And the Winchesters. Mary and John. Bless you for letting them live the life they should have. Seriously. Those poor bastards lived such a horrible life that I'm so grateful that at least in an AU they got a happy life. And death who can forget him? Loved your portrayal of him. Hmmm I feel like there's so much more I want to rave about, but I have to wake up in a couple hours so I'll stop here. And end with, thank you so so so much for writing and sharing this! I hope you're still continuing on writing stories because I love your writing and the worlds you create! Hope your life is going well and wish you luck in everything! :)
TwinkleTuFf chapter 44 . 11/27/2016
Lol I just reviewed but Jam? They're sooo cute! XD And I love Meg so much. I'm glad you made her nice because I feel like the supernatural show didn't give her much credit and her story was cut too short and anticlimactic. At least the meg in the later seasons ya know when she was dark haired and more sassy? Okay I'm gonna stop gushing so I can finish the story!
TwinkleTuFf chapter 40 . 11/27/2016
I love, love, absolutely love how you describe things and characters and feelings. It just makes everything come to life and it's AMAZING! XD
TwinkleTuFf chapter 1 . 11/27/2016
Oh my gosh, I already love it and it's only the first chapter! This is going to be SO AWESOME!
marina chapter 68 . 9/1/2016
I love it! this is an amazing story.
twistedartist chapter 68 . 6/29/2016
I struggled with reading this, and almost gave up when the demons attacked the school. I was all "aw hell no, this is dark as fuck" but I am glad I kept reading till the end. It's a powerful story.
Shadowheart51 chapter 68 . 1/25/2016
So amazing!
vinr5 chapter 68 . 1/24/2016
This was great to read and will be reread soon. I loved the ending and the beginning and the middle, so basically everything. I also loved the descriptions of the angelic and demonic forms I could never of had that kind of creativity.
Fellowship-of-the-Hobbit chapter 3 . 12/29/2015
I love this story already, its great! I also love that you threw in that reference to Jethro Tull, well done!
Alix Winchester chapter 68 . 11/11/2015
Okay... I love this fanfic so much and i spent like a month reading it! it is one of the first fan fics i have found completed but i imagine i would have been fine to wait for each and every amazing chapter. I love the whole concept especially about Castiel growing up on earth with Dean and his destiny and all. I really like Jet's character and it's so cute him and Sam were just destined for each other. I'm still surprised i didn't hear Dean say 'I told you so'. I loved reading this so much and i will be so sad to not be reading it anymore! you are just such an amazing writer and i can't wait to search for other stories of yours. (I'm doing that in a minute) I just can't belive i finished this story... can there be a sequel? Cas' destiny has a part two? It's worth a try. Thank you so much for taking the time to write and post this it is amazing and has created a great impact in my life. (i have no idea how but i just somehow know it has.) You are amazing...
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