Reviews for Sorry I Couldn't be Better
Jonas chapter 32 . 3/13/2019
Just finished reading all the current chapters and i have to say great job. I've read a lot of soul eater fanfiction where the cast is in a mental institution. Good Luck on the next chapter and in life at uni.
Carliees chapter 32 . 1/10/2019
Well its now january of 2019 and still waiting for the end i love this story and have read it multiple different times it has helped me through hard times in my life more times than i can count thank you for all the work you put into it and hopefully one day youll be able to finish it.
Carliees chapter 16 . 1/5/2019
Im loving it so far since im late to the party ill leave a full review when i get towards the last chapter thats up
snappingsound chapter 16 . 9/27/2018
'hey you can't be depressed. you're too happy' I really hate when people say that. I also act happy because its my coping mechanism I guess if I let the emptiness consume me it wouldn't go so well so I pretend its easier
snappingsound chapter 9 . 9/26/2018
your words about depression hit hard. 'wherever you are, whoever you are..your pain I'd important.' it hit really close to home. anyone can suffer whether its homeless person or a billionaire. depression is awful indeed
Guest chapter 6 . 8/1/2018
This is amazing
Guest chapter 1 . 8/1/2018
I love this! I’ve been looking for something like this.
Mjus chapter 32 . 6/30/2018
To start with; Yes, you still have all my support! I'm so happy you decided to finish this story! I've been worried about you, but busy too. (I do admit I have also forgotten a few plot points...)
I cried through this chapter as well. You see, the past eight months has been less than kind to me. It escalated in Febuary this year and just got worse from there until I started looking for trees close by the road to work that had good placements to make it look like an accident. I only found one, but it was right by a school, and I wasn't that far gone. My boyfriend saved me, and I decided to move in with him and start over.
This chapter summons up what the decision to leave felt like; a tossup of relief, joy, regret and sadness. Maka is leaving bad things behind, but there are good things there as well. The thing is; they're not gone just because I or Maka leave, we just put up a distance to everything, and that way it's easier to keep the good things and let the bad things slide further away.
There are challenges up ahead, but Maka isn't alone, and I ain't either :) I might not be right there with you, but I'm with you too ;)
MisplacedSoulWalkingDreamer chapter 1 . 6/29/2018
So glad you’ve updated! Now I get to reread it all again so I can have it freshin my mind when you post the end part 2. Love this story and I’m so glad you’re doing better!

Lots of love 3
Kota xoxo
Xx.LostEcho.xX chapter 32 . 6/24/2018
I am going to begin with great work! Congratulations on University! I almost couldn’t review on this account because I basically forgot the password whoops... The way your write characters still fascinates me, it’s so easy to read and connected with what their experience is. Maka still having a voice but choosing to overcome it is so powerful. I think that a major struggle and something often overlooked with mental health, is that it never ‘goes away’. Anyways without being too sappy (I’ll leave that for ‘The end part 2’) I think the end is going to be bittersweet for me, but thank you for putting so much for the time and effort you’ve put in. Looking forward to your final chapter and any works you decide to post after this!
Guest chapter 30 . 1/13/2018
Update, my friend. Every story deserves an end.
Your Fan 3 chapter 31 . 11/26/2017

I know that I uh...I'm a bit of a depressed person as well, I got OCD that's irking a lot of people (you know how upset Kid gets with asymmetry? The reason why he's my favorite...I know how he feels but I don't have the powers he drives me insane)...I'm also a selective mute...and an insomniac...and anorexic at times...I also hear and see stuff which I'm pretty sure is all in my head?...but yea, the point is, I can relate to most of them in the story...

The reason I'm depressed is...well, I'm depressed cause I don't know why I feel depressed...which makes me feel more depressed...which makes me feel more- I don't wanna bother you with this unending loop...




Oh, and I'd like to hear more about Kid and Harvar and Liz and Patty and Kid xD


P.S. sorry if I'm such a waste of your time...I know I can't control you to write or anything so...please forgive my ridiculous mood swings...
Ashyu chapter 31 . 11/18/2017
Oh. Mah. Gahhhh! I'm crying! This is so good! I can't wait for the next chapter! I love this story, your idea, your writing and the emotion you put in it! I really hope you update soon!
MeraleeRose chapter 31 . 7/17/2017
I love this story and I can't wait till the next chapter! I read your updates and it's no pressure but I can't wait till the next story! LOVE YA! And your story!
Kim chapter 31 . 6/11/2017
Hi! I don't know if you remember me but I sent a review a few updates ago. I just wanted to say that I've been reading every update (no hurry, I check every once in a while because I get that your schedule is busy), and I love where this story is going! Thanks so much for writing this because it's honestly one of my favorite things XD
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