Reviews for gunshots and dead men
Guest chapter 1 . 10/29/2018
Oh my god this is beautiful! I just KNEW Sherlock was going to die and it STILL got me! John having to abandon his body... damn this hit hard! Excellent work!
DobbyRocksSocks chapter 1 . 12/30/2017
Nooo. You didn’t actually do that. I’m gonna pretend that it was Reichenbach all over again and Sherlock was waiting for John at Baker Street because that’s how it is.

This is beautifully written. Absolutely stunning and I’m jealous of how well you write my boys but I’m also dying because how very dare you kill Sherlock on the battlefield and my heart breaks completely for John because he went back to war to stop that very thing from happening and this is just cruel.

Beautiful. But cruel.

I love you but I need all the happy Johnlock now.
circumstancesRirrelevant15 chapter 1 . 8/20/2015
This was amazing and so heartbreaking! It's very well-written, well done _
Grac3 chapter 1 . 4/11/2015
Well, that was depressing, but a really good idea.
MissingMommy chapter 1 . 8/20/2014
the entire idea of this is just awesome. (though, when we were first talking about the vague idea about this, i could've sworn you saw ww2, not 3. i was really confused for a bit).

now, i love how john will do anything to protect sherlock. very john-like. and the fact that the first person that john goes to about this is mycroft. because mycroft can make it not happen because he's the british government, and john knows this.

and i like how not even mycroft can make it stop. there has to be limitations to mycroft's abilities in the government, and i like seeing them.

[john. i am...sorry. / i've heard that from you before] - i dunno why, but i really like that line.

the way that sherlock knows what john did when john's letter comes in. very sherlock-like. it's important. and i like that sherlock can't change what john did.

[and john, john lets him because there are gunshots echoing in his ears and dead men painted on the backs of his eyelids] - beautiful description and i love that the title is right there. i love when that happens.

and then, of course, you had to break me with sherlock dying. and it hurts because john was supposed to protect him and feels like he failed. and it's kind of sherlock's fault too. but that doesn't matter.

why do you do this to me? it hurts :(
Gwen's Blue Box chapter 1 . 5/21/2014
Wow, that was intense! The style you chose for you story - short paragraphs, present tense - fits very well with the numbness that's left for John in the end, and with the pointlessness of the war as you depict it.
What was most devastating - and also very interesting, conveying a sense of reality - was that John continued doing his job, and went back to Sherlock only after the fighting had ended.
In short - thank you and well done!