Reviews for Change of Fate
Wolff chapter 10 . 7/6
So, when I found this fic, I just had to shotgun it. And then I had to go back and read it again. And I'm not sure, but I may be about to go read it *again*. I love how you kept the characters as themselves, and hinted at the long term traumas they would have to deal with. Good pacing, good characterization, good storytelling without getting mired in pointless crap. I would dearly love to see a sequel to this. I want to know how Kirito and co. change the galaxy, and how they come out swinging when the time is right.
Mernom chapter 2 . 12/17/2019
Don't Jedi have some big nono thing about apprentices, or is it only something the main temple has?
Tyracus chapter 10 . 8/15/2019
I jumped over to this after reading MCO and once again I can really appreciate the buildup of your work but all I can honestly say is that I would very much like to see more. This is a very well done arc of a plot with a nice bit of teasing for interesting character reactions in the future but a lot is left unresolved (Sugu/Kazuto, more of Kazuto's parents and the gradual recovery from his fear of space) that could very easily be expanded on more as you play across the III-IV period. Rebels could give you a fun source to play with because I'd pay to see Fuurinkazan, Lando, Han, and Chewie getting into trouble. You just KNOW there'd be a ridiculous combination of events there and I'm not entirely sure that one of the three main troublemakers wouldn't shoot another of them, right up until Han needs to lie low for a bit and then they close ranks.

Kudos again on the story, it made for a very interesting read.
Fencer22 chapter 10 . 6/7/2019
Mmm not the best work. Love the concept out dragging out the escape across 8 or 9 updates and then leaving it at this is a bit of a letdown. Granted it’s a good stopping point, very natural, but it just leaves me wanting a more.
ReaperOfShadows125 chapter 10 . 5/19/2019
This was one of the greatest SAO fics I've ever read. There needs to be more amazing fics like this one. I NEED MORE! I feel that it would be awesome to see the various butterflies that spawned from this. Obi Wan or Yoda finding out that they aren't alone, Luke and Leia getting some actual training with the force, Yui coming back and getting to know her extended family, the Clearers forming the core of the future rebellion, and a battle between tag team Kirito and Asuna. So Many Ideas!
AnonymousAuthor3 chapter 10 . 4/3/2019
This is a really great story, and I found myself quite interested in both the premise and execution. I was wondering, however, if you would mind me trying to ‘fill in the gaps,’ so to say, for their time in Old Republic Online. I know I’m not the best writer, but I was hoping I could get your permission for this. Thank you for your time.
animusand chapter 3 . 9/22/2018
If I recall correctly the only ships in the Republic Fleet larger than the Venator class were Victory SD. At the time of Order 66 Imperial Star Destroyers were not yet deployed and Victory-II's are relegated to Star Wars Legends.
s chapter 3 . 7/1/2018
Great stuff!/l
Guest chapter 3 . 7/1/2018
/Great stuff! Wish you'd continue it!
kakita101 chapter 10 . 1/29/2018
So, I cannot believe it took me so long to find this story when I love both can come used, but this was amazing. I loved reading it and was sad to see it end. I was wondering if you would be adding a prequel and/or sequel? I'm kinda curious bout reading what's happened in ORO or how they interact with Star Wars Rebels.
Sylphrena33 chapter 10 . 1/23/2018
This was great! I loved it! Great job. Sorry, I'm not great at giving specific commentary, but I really enjoyed it. I'd love to see a oneshot or something where the Organa family goes to the circus and sees the Flying Thantas perform, and Kirito senses Leia's Force sensibility, and Bail ends up figuring out who they are and their hope gets restored, even if they can't act on it.
Wraith Five chapter 10 . 12/10/2017
I REALLY hope you do some kind of continuation of this. I was a little leery of it at first, but HOLY SHIT did you do a great job! The battle droid fight, the tunnels, all the characters interacting? Amazing! I personally would have liked a little more KiritoxAsuna, but I'm a sucker for that pairing...

Also, that little tidbit about Jin-Lo Rayce actually had me laughing out loud.

Wraith Five
Toolazytologin chapter 10 . 9/20/2017
hey! came back for a reread because this story is amazing. wanted to let you know that I love it just as much as I did the first time, you're awesome.
Alastor Wolfkin chapter 10 . 5/18/2017
A beautiful integration of the SAO concept into the Star Wars universe. I can't help but wonder what would happen if someone with zero Force sensitivity IRL took 'Force Sensitive' as a perk in the game. Somehow, in between all of the running around for dear life, there manages to be bits of fluff that we miss in later seasons of SAO. I'm also torn - on one hand, I want much, much more of this fic to read. On the other hand, a fic about everyone trying to be as low-key as possible would be tedious after the action here. Regardless, you should be very proud of your work here. Kudos!
Freefan1412 chapter 10 . 4/17/2017
This fic has been on my favourites for so long, I can't believe I haven't reviewed yet. Change of Fate is amazing beyond belief. I'm so very, very grateful that you wrote this, that you gave fans of SAO this piece of perfection that can't be found anywhere else in the entire fandom, corssovers or not. Thank you so much for giving fans of Star Wars a look into the Darkest Day of the Republic on Correllia. Thank you so much for giving the fans of both this fusion work and glimpse into what could have been. Thank you for taking the time to think of it and the effort to write it. Really, I can't express how happy I am that this fic exists. I love how you give us a look into the characters, dive right into the universe and expand upon those that have little screentime. Kirito and Furinkazan comes to mind. Argo's role (who I hadn't even remembered until you introduced her here), the connection between Asuna and Kirito what with them both having the Force, the complexities of Kirito's family and problems born from it. The look in from the outside by a healer and by a Jedi who has no idea what is going on. Once I start on this fic, I always get caught up and have to read it from beginning to end. Really, thank you so much! I hope you will write other corssovers with SAO. I would love to see anything you come up with. :)
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