Reviews for Did You Know You're Knocking Hips With a Killer Queen?
Nemisses chapter 23 . 7/15
Loved it sofar I hope you will finish one day.
jemma chapter 23 . 6/23
Please update this! I love the story... mean idk if the last cpter was the LAST but I'd really like at least a few more.
Evilregalfaith chapter 23 . 6/9
Really love this story. Hope you continue to write.
Guest chapter 23 . 5/21
Guest chapter 23 . 4/8
Please continue the story
Guest chapter 23 . 4/1
yo yo pls continue with the story
Couchsurfer chapter 1 . 3/30
this is still one of my favorites, I just reread it and was happy to find a chapter at the end I hadn't read before! I will check back again one day and see if this happens again
anne.issa.calil chapter 22 . 2/11
My only wish is that you come back for us.. And since OUAT destroyed Regina aka EvilQueen happy ending, please for all of us, give to her a beautiful happy ending with Robin, Henry and Roland️️️
appleandarrow chapter 23 . 2/4
Wow these story is amazing! was so nice to read something about robin's past and fears (which was poorly addressed even on the show) so great work! hope you'll keep writing these fic and maybe put something about regina's story too. You're really amazing!
Connie chapter 22 . 1/24
Loving this story so much! I really hope you continue writing.
alittlemystery chapter 23 . 1/18
So glad you posted
BloodRose101 chapter 23 . 1/11
Thanks so much for updating love this fanfic great way to start the new year! :)
Andrea Nike chapter 23 . 1/5
I didn't follow this story because it wasn't update in a long time but I'm really glad you have update again because I've read all of it today and it's AMAZING! I've cried in some part of the story, George's death was terrible and in this chapter when she snapped at Roland and then she talked to Robin about Henry and his birthday, it was all so sad. I really hope you're going to update again because this story is really good and I'm so curious to read how everything will go on, Robin and Regina's relationship, little Roland, how they will defeat the wicked witch and how they will be finally reunited with Henry! (And maybe I'm hoping for a baby OQ, but just maybe). [sorry for any mistake, English isn't my first language]
anne.issa.calil chapter 23 . 1/4
OMG... Just after reading this magical storie that we remember how much we missed it. Can't wait for the next chapter
Polypocket chapter 23 . 1/4
Sorry, my english is not so good, so i'm going to write you in French.
Ton histoire fait partie de mes préférées, je la relis 1 ou 2 fois par an, avec toujours le même plaisir.
Ca me désespérait de ne pas voir de nouvelle publication mais je ne voulais pas être la lectrice chiante à toujours demander un update.
Je pensais que tu avais tournée la page ou bien perdu l'inspiration.
Quelle joie de voir que ce n'est rien de tout cela !
Merci du fond du coeur pour ce nouveau chapitre, j'espère que le fait de l'écrire t'as donné envie de continuer.
Dans tous les coeurs, merci, et bonne année.
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