Reviews for The Missing Link
Schatze8210 chapter 8 . 10/27/2015
This is a good story. There is a problem with your timeline though... How did Jack have the Ancient knowledge in his subconscious 17 years earlier when Kya was conceived? Charlie died before Jack joined SCG, Charlie had been dead 10 years in this story, which made Kya 6 when he died. Thus, Charlie had to be less than 5 years old when he died. Also, does the Australian Air Force REALLY have 16 year old pilots IN COMBAT?

Anyway, I enjoyed the premise, and there weren't too many "Aussieisms" :D
dpdp chapter 8 . 5/21/2014
Very nice story.
dpdp chapter 4 . 5/20/2014
Smiffy11052 chapter 3 . 5/12/2014