Reviews for Pokemon Colosseum: Shadows of Orre
Player Lina chapter 1 . 4/24
Congrats, you got 200 followers.
Guest chapter 45 . 4/7

and i thought the hulk had anger issues.

good chapter
Grischlinger chapter 45 . 2/19
The wait is over! Let's go!

Super glad to see that you're back :) looking forward to the stuff that's still to come!
UltimateCCC chapter 45 . 2/17
Evice is p*ssed thanks to Wes and Rui.
Player Lina chapter 45 . 2/17
Wow, Evice sounds really TICKED.
Tony Anderson chapter 45 . 2/16
Wow, this chapter was aptly titled based on its contents. Good job after two years of nothing. Nice to see you back. Wonder what Ein discovered about Rui? Guess we'll find out later on. Hope to see you again soon. Keep up the good work!
GhostGarrus chapter 45 . 2/16
i am always thoroughly surprised whenever i see this story gets updated, and dont worry life happens
Guest chapter 44 . 2/8
you gave up didn't you?
Esteban chapter 44 . 7/4/2019
I honestly hate how attached I got to Reina. I both love and hate how dark this story gets, and it pisses me off every time someone dies. You do such a good job developing characters from a game in which they had none, and make it fit perfectly with the world you're making.

You're doing such a good job writing this, that it genuinely upsets me when something really bad happens. The deaths make me so sad and frustrated.

I'm actually thinking of writing a crossover between Ultra Sun and Colosseum because of you. So if you see any resemblances between mine and yours (assuming you ever find the damn thing), just know that you inspired it. Although I'm not sure if I could ever give my story a tone as dark as yours, or at least least not as consistently. Maybe that's a good thing.

From one writer to another, awesome story, thanks for the inspiration and I hope to see an update in the future.
Esteban chapter 43 . 7/4/2019
I get what you were going for, but the scene in which Reina struggles to follow orders leaves me confused since Wes has more Pokémon to use. It ruined the emotional impact in my opinion. I get that he needed the rest of his team to battle Venus, but still.

Good job though.
U chapter 3 . 6/6/2019
I like the way you acknowledge what weird names everyone has in orre like folly but wes character is a bit sort of harsh for me he doesn't need to snap at everyone especially if he's trying to avoid attention
Infinite's Ruby chapter 1 . 4/7/2019
I just discovered this story today. Hands down it's easily one of the best Pokemon Colosseum fics out there.

Wes' characterization is perfect. You did a great job capturing the moment when he turns on Team Snagem.

This is an amazing start to the story. Keep up the great work!
D.J. Scales chapter 24 . 2/19/2019
Nice interlude chapter. Good job.
Mad Hatter Stories chapter 44 . 10/25/2018
Wow time flies, I'm only asking this because I'm sure many others are wondering the same thing but are you close to updating this story soon?
Ran-Dei Cunningham chapter 44 . 10/15/2018
Wow your story is very complete and beautiful
I know people who love Pokemon Colosseum but is bad in English because they're not, they're French
So if you want, can I translate your work ? I know you can refuse because it sounds like theft, but I'll credit you if you accept, don't worry. I can do it in every page of chapter if you want.

And I'm sorry if my request is bad, I'm French but I wasn't bad in English even if I wasn't the best
Oh and if you don't mind (and if you accept), I can post the translated version in Wattpad. I don't hate Fanfiction but it's because of my French friends.

Thanks if you answer my request
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