Reviews for Ark of Time
gabelou1991 chapter 8 . 4/2/2018
Tu as dis que Gohan pouvait se transformer en ssj après Mystic . Dis moi oùà tu trouve ?
victor0606 chapter 9 . 6/17/2017
Great fic :).
The Errors Oh chapter 1 . 5/28/2017
So... so many... so many errors! My eyes! THEY BLEED!

Joking aside, there are a massive ton of errors in this. Misspellings/typos, bad grammar, and so on. It makes it nearly impossible to take even REMOTELY seriously. I couldn't even finish reading it. I had to resort to skimming it to stop all the reflexive eyerolling and cringing.

Seriously, you need a beta. Badly. Very, VERY badly.
gabelou1991 chapter 9 . 3/20/2016
J'aime j'attend la suite avec impatience.
pr0dz chapter 5 . 9/23/2015
Chi-Chi killed me XD dying hair? l00lz
AJ chapter 9 . 8/3/2015
por favor actualiza pronto la historia, después de todo no me gustaría que una historia tan buena fuera olvidada sin un final apropiado
keyshawn9811 chapter 9 . 7/26/2015
Hello my name is Darrius and I want you to please continue updating your story it's getting better and better now that I can't wait till you update your story but yeah Please continue to update your fanfiction it's getting better and better now so please continue to updating please and thank you.
Dyton chapter 9 . 7/16/2015
I'm not going to lie, for a second I thought Frieza would still get his way, but I'm glad that Gohan was able to step in and finish the fight that Goku was so reluctant to complete.

I really liked this chapter and I can't wait for the next part and more divergence. Keep it up.
red chapter 9 . 7/13/2015
por favor actualiza el fic rápido que me gusta mucho
tu puta madre chapter 1 . 7/2/2015
maldito actualiza ya el fic coño
red chapter 2 . 7/2/2015
¿cuando es el siguiente capitulo
julio chapter 3 . 7/2/2015
por favor actualiza lo rápido el fic obvio
gregorio chapter 4 . 7/2/2015
¿cuando es el siguiente capitulo?
darckangel chapter 4 . 7/2/2015
por favor actualiza pronto el fic
pedro chapter 5 . 7/2/2015
espero que gohan consiga un harem con bulma en el
por cierto ¿cuanto falta para la siguiente actualización?
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