Reviews for Through Their Eyes
Eternal Cosmic Sailor Saturn chapter 36 . 12/15/2019
I seriously need to know how this goes. I have literally just stayed up way to freaking late to finish this and it's not even done yet! Please please please start updating this again soon!
Shetan20 chapter 1 . 2/9/2019
Thank you for a very enjoyable chapter.
Guest chapter 36 . 4/17/2017
Please tell me that you were going to add to the story soon I really really enjoyed the entire thing and hope to see more in the weeks to come but again thank you for this to a little creative work you've done this for very very
The.Dragon.Singer chapter 36 . 1/9/2016
This is awesomely well written. And I think you should update.
Prost chapter 36 . 4/8/2015
The last two chapters were awesome! Worth the wait for sure! Love their dynamics! :)
yorushihe chapter 36 . 4/7/2015
That's me.. I just realized I forgot to log in to tag this story xD
Hanna chapter 36 . 4/7/2015
Lovely story you got here!
I've done my best to read it all in two days! Hahha! It was awesome!
Though I got so distracted by this story that my sister ate half of my cacaos... Cacao beans are terribly delicious, deeply sweet with a tangy aftertaste I bought 8 cacaos from a passing vendor... But my evil sister loves cacao even more.. Sigh, at least she left me half! I'm saving the seeds so I can plant them! Sweetness! Imagine my backyard full of cacaos! Ahhah!
Take the blame for the cacao theft, I'm not blaming my sister, she's a glutton anyway.. But you! Yes, you! Your big distracting story you! There...
Mourning cacao beans,
kimberlybluebelle chapter 36 . 3/29/2015
As always, I adored this chapter! Why do I get the niggling feeling that Fili has not had his final say on the matter? Or is that just my imagination? Do I smell a couples spat on the horizon? Or am I channeling my inner Brili?! So many questions! So much to discover! And Khayl is worried about being queen?! Cold feet?! I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!
By the way, Thorin and Dis had me in STITCHES this chapter! I like that you include her in this work, she's often overlooked. And unjustly so. I've been thinking about doing a one-shot with her and Bri in The Life and Times - which I haven't touched since I started it, mind you... - because I'm guilty of the same thing!
As always, loved the chapter and wished I could chain you to your computer/laptop/typewriter just so that I could be a lazy reader and read it all hours of the day! Keep it up, darling! :)
Dalonige Noquisi chapter 36 . 3/29/2015
What did Fili system that was so cruel? Such a great chapter. I loved the sudden realization of how she would become queen.
KeepingThemAtBay chapter 36 . 3/28/2015
I never thought I'd be the 200th viewer of anything! Hahah. Congrats to you for reaching that number.

And poor Dís, she sounded really excited to have Khayl stay with her, but now that she's going on the adventure, Dis will be saying good bye to her entire family.

Thorin's scared of his little sister. That scene made me laugh! You know how to write good humor for his character at moments.

Keep up the good work!
REDRydingHood chapter 36 . 3/26/2015
ahhhhh I love them so much! and their adorable awkwardness XD I check this every week to see if you've updated! and I get super excited whenever you do :D
elvinscarf chapter 35 . 3/26/2015
You can't kill Fili in this story! Don't do it!
PurpleFairy11 chapter 36 . 3/25/2015
this is really good please keep up the great work
bloodyrose1294 chapter 36 . 3/25/2015
Not gonna lie I'm excited to see what happens when Khayl gets to Rivendell and sees her cousin again. Is she forgetting about her as some sort of PTSD type deal...? Cuz I mean she's forgetting about her family, but if I was in her I'd be obsessed with reuniting with my cousin since Khayl seems to have always looked after her etc... Can't wait for your next update!
Katherine Sparrow chapter 36 . 3/25/2015
Loved it:-)
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