Reviews for The Advantages of Caring
MrsPotterDrEw chapter 14 . 8/4/2018
I’ve just stayed up to read this story and I’m absolutely in love with it. The characterisation of Molly as Sherlock and Sherlock as Molly with the added history that they have and Mycroft essentially raising both of them. I just really love this story.
Guest chapter 14 . 1/27/2016
THIS IS AMAZING! WONDERFUL! AWESOME! GREAT! PERFECT! EXCELLENT! MAGNIFICENT! BEAUTIFUL! THIS IS THE BEST SWAP!LOCKED I'VE EVER READ! (AND I'VE READ LOTS!) Okay...I should stop using caps now. You wrote a brilliant story. You made me cry, laugh and cry some more. Your writing is incredible! The ending makes me happy because Sherlock and Molly deserve it after all, but Im so sad because this story is done. I love this story. Please dont stop writing!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/9/2016
Okay, just started reading. I like what you are doing but not going any further. The one thing that is really putting me off is the bad spelling/style and use of the wrong words. Don't know if you have a beta but if not i would suggest one. No idea if you have written something else *haven't checked yet* but i wil try to read if so. For the record, imagination is good, the way you write them is good. But for me this one is a nono.

Sorry for the half bad review.
Aphraelsan chapter 14 . 10/2/2015
My god, this story was AMAZE-BALLS. Your characterizations, story, everything was fabulous. I love that you managed a swap-lock where the characters kept some of the things that made them unique (I.e. Molly's horrible jumpers), but switched them in a way that just worked. I feel like this story should have a ton more favorites than it does, and I think part of that could be your summary. I actually thought it was maybe a different time-period AU and almost didn't read it, and I am so glad I did. This was just fantastic.
maike chapter 14 . 5/7/2015
Wow. I don't really like swap stories, but this one was very very good. Fantastic even. Very well written and intriguing character studies. Gripping plot, too. Compliments.
Guest chapter 14 . 4/26/2015
This whole story was gorgeous! Thank you!
Rosa Calletti chapter 14 . 4/21/2015
This story was brilliant. Utterly brilliant. I could not stop reading, it was so captivating and well done. You've managed to do swaplock. include everyone in the show and keep everyone in character. I am in awe. You are a really good writer and should pursue it professionally in my humble opinion. Thank you so much for posting this. Fantastic!
cate chapter 14 . 1/29/2015
This story was great! Wonderful character development, neat plot. Thank you for posting it.
Sherlockian- Psycho chapter 3 . 1/27/2015
i love this so much, how you switch their personalities and the flash back to boarding school too
Mistykins06 chapter 14 . 1/22/2015
CC chapter 14 . 1/21/2015
Thank you so much for writing this Swaplock story! I think it might be the greatest one I've read hands down!
Sherlock's steady recovery from the aftermath of Janine was written really well! I especially liked how Irene helps Sherlock deal with his scars on his arm. But I especially loved how Molly finally acknowledged the love she had harbored for Sherlock and allowed herself to care for him after all those years.
You did such an amazing job and keep up the good work!
Silencebeyondthestars chapter 14 . 1/18/2015
Thank you so so much for this story! It' doesn't only have a unique concept but it's so beautifully written as well. I had my heart in my throat the whole time I read it. The ending was perfect.
CC chapter 13 . 10/18/2014
I've often thought that Janine could be related to Jim due to her accent but you've really written her well as a villain here!
Irene's interactions with Sherlock were spot-on, along with Molly enabling Sherlock's protection by using escorts.
But poor Sherlock though! How horrible, going through all that! I was scared that Janine would use other forms of torture after she shaved all his hair off and carved into his arm, basically humiliating him. I'm glad that Molly saved him and didn't give into Janine's demand to be killed.
limesu chapter 3 . 9/24/2014
I want to see this film, now. This is brilliant. They are different but still the same. I like that you left their styles like it is in the series. Sherlock's 'scoolboy-crush' grows into true and patient love. So beautiful.
onemorecup chapter 12 . 9/16/2014
I have so enjoyed reading this even though I haven't seen the tv program which I guess it is based on. Glad you are continuing.
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