Reviews for Diplomatic Immunity
NarnianFairy chapter 17 . 6/20
Hey, I remember being in LOVE with this before you went MIA, any chance we're getting an update anytime soon even thought its been literally years ? :')
RandomBlondeChick chapter 17 . 5/27
This story is so good it hurts. I love how everything develops naturally, and the Slytherin in me truly appreciates the expert way that Edmund and Celia conduct themselves in social situations. I also really love the way that, for all of their training and facades, they can read each other purely for the fact that they are so similar, but not similar enough to grow disinterest or a feeling of brotherhood. I very much enjoy how they both are having feelings but also are aware of the complications and (in Celia's case) implications of a relationship between them, both emotional and political. As a person who's read the books, I like the accuracy with which you describe the geography and relations between countries. All in all, this was my round-about way of begging you to continue with this on your own time. I will wait as long as it takes to finish this magnificent story!
Guest chapter 17 . 4/26
i love this story and i'll never forget this story ever. even though there hasn't been an update for the last few years i still check for one. i don't even know how many times i have read it and every single time this story leaves me wanting for another chapter. just one more. some more content on these characters and this plot. this story has so much potential and so do you. i'll never abandon this story. i still have hope. i'll check for updates forever and i'll never forgret it ever.
Guest chapter 17 . 9/25/2019
i really wish you would update
joey adams chapter 17 . 9/12/2019
i love this if you are going to keep writing this please continue soon its so good
Guest chapter 17 . 5/30/2019
i still believe in you. i still do. i know you will update someday and i'll be waiting to read that chapter.
Guest chapter 17 . 4/12/2019
i know it has been years since you last updated but i really want to know what happens next. Celia and Edmund have grown so close to my heart and it pains me that i can't know what happens next. this is really unfair. you can't just leave such a great story unfinished, it's just not fair. it's unfair to everyone who read this story. it has been so many years and i haven't found another fanfiction that compares to Diplomatic immunity. i love this story, i really do and i hope that someday you will definitely take this story forward and i'll get to read it.
sweetpea22packers chapter 17 . 2/27/2019
This story is so amazing! I know it’s been literal years since this has been updated, but it continues to take my breath away. I’ve reread this a few times in the last few years and every time it intrigues me and makes me keep reading! The story is so intricate, and it’s so cool having Edmund and Celia analyzing each other and other people. I don’t know much about politics but this is such an interesting view of that world. And the chemistry tweet the characters makes me giddy every time! It works at a good pace, moving from lackluster friends to real friends to maybe something more? And I love it so much. Thank you for writing this amazing story, and I hope one day to see the end of it!
anon chapter 17 . 12/1/2018
i really wish i could get to read the rest of the story!
Guest chapter 17 . 11/5/2018
i really really really love this story. please please please write the next chapter. please please please
Guest chapter 17 . 8/20/2018
please update this story. please please please please pretty please
Guest chapter 17 . 5/28/2018
this story is genius. i love it so much. i just can't live without it. it has been years and maybe i should have forgotten about this story but i can't get it out of my mind. it always finds a way into my mind. it is so well written. i absolutely love the dynamic between Celia and Edmund. There is a certain depth in your character which is great. i love Celia, she has become one of my favourite characters across all fandoms. i love this story, i love the plot, i just love it. i haven't given up on you so please don't give up on this wonderful story. please please please.
LeaValdez23 chapter 17 . 4/22/2018
at least tell me you're alive
transformation no jutsu chapter 1 . 4/3/2018
how about updating your fanfiction. I am reading it everyday wondering that the next chapter will magically appear. after all we all belive in magic . if you really belive in magic or Narnia please update.
transformation no jutsu chapter 1 . 4/3/2018
dear Amy
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