Reviews for Set in Stone
bobothebear chapter 15 . 5/27
can't believe u closed submissions before i submitted... teddy why'd u slap me in the face like that
Axe Smelling God chapter 2 . 2/4/2015
This was an interesting chapter, it's also very original a victors banquet who knew. I would have thought that all the victors would hate each other and thanks for accepting Daisy
DA Member Hogwarts chapter 20 . 2/2/2015
Oh my God LMFAO. I totally fell behind in this story, it was going on during my 'I'm done with ff stage'. I cannot believe Liora won LMAO. I actually did really like her she was sort of different than my usual character but to be honest I didn't expect her to go far or be taken seriously, she was a bit of a joke with the petty reason for volunteering and the stuck up facade being from a low district but you actually made her more than just a cliche outer volunteer from what I did read and I liked how she changed from what I did read. From her trying so hard to be a career to her flirting with Trent to her trying to prove herself and her relationship with the other careers until now.

The first paragraph was really vividly emotional. Like I love how it started so positive, with her feeling elation and pride at her win and how it transitioned so quickly to disbelief, guilt and denial and her trying to convince herself it was okay. I especially loved the starkness of the last lines and her committal to changing- that was poignant as a huge part of her character was the fact she was not truly happy with who she was, she just felt stuck so that was brilliantly executed.

This story was one I really really enjoyed in the beginning, I honestly will go back and read it. Not just because Liora won but I do remember liking many characters and the overall themes and vibe of this story and yeah I would like to see Liora's journey to winning.
I am very surprised she managed to kill Cerise- she must have had some serious development lol. If i remember correctly, Cerise was very badass.

I liked the section with her waking up. She still has her bossiness and snark with her anger at her makeover, but I sense change still- the old Liora would probably be all giddy and gushing over her improvement but now she wants to be totally in control of her life.
The section with Elise was my favorite, with Liora standing up for herself finally and gaining the self respect she needed. And the end... that shocked me I hadn't even thought about that outcome but it makes a lot of sense. FUCK. Poor Liora. Just when she changes for the better and wants to stop being treated like a whore ;_; this was a seriously good epilogue, Ted!

I'll answer the questions in an other overall review of the tributes and story when I got back and read.
PretentiousScholar chapter 20 . 12/26/2014
in all srsness this is one of the best epilogues you've written
might be my favorite
i liked that her appearance changed idk it's kind of metaphorical
then the games recaps i dont care for those she wanted trent SO bad
i liked the little train ride scene idk it was nice and sad in a way it kind of reiterates that she's someone new now (or so she thought)
then she flipped out on ELISe LIKE YEAH! i loved that scene she's not fucking around anymore she is important . yes she is
then president snow OF COURSE YOU make her become a prostitute you had to do it to one victor didnt you and of course it's liora i like how she kept going back to how she's a new girl now but not rly
president snow ruined it all

favorite characters; gage, darya, dalton, riel, ardell
favorite district pair; 3, probably. or 7. maybe 9.
most shocking death; larron
least shocking death; daisy
favorite chapter: THIS ONE.
most memorable moment; when liora was all "boys i like boys and boys like me"
who did i think would be victor; gage or darya
am i contnet; yes

ok rip sis
Metallic Shadow10 chapter 20 . 12/26/2014
That was a fantastic story!
I was kind of mad that the Capitol changed her features, but I think she looks somewhat better. She really grew and it shows in watching the recaps and telling off her "friend". I do feel really bad for her at the end like omg she just changed. That's actually an interesting and different ending though.

Favorite Characters: Dalton, Larron, Gage, Liora, Riel, Trent in that order

Favorite District Pair: 3

Most shocking death: Larron- I really pictured him going far. I think he also gave the Careers a little more light and pureness I guess. There were a few others in the running for shocking such as Ines or Gage, Larron ultimately was the most shocking due to him dying so early.

Least shocking death: Daisy/Trevor- Obviously Daisy because of her age and size, but I knew Trevor wouldn't win due to his attitude and character. I was pretty sure he would die but t was just a matter of when.

Favorite chapter: Ch. 12 Day 1 was definitely memorable. I liked it because it was a huge open space with no formal cornucopia although that seems to be a recurring theme in your stories. I also liked all the surprising deaths and action in it. It wasn't just weapons being used. People were using their hands and getting stuck between rocks.

Victor: Initially based off just the blog I thought maybe Riel, but after getting a few POVs I didn't think so. Probably around Launch I thought Larron and then once Emery died I jumped on the Gage train and rode that until Final 6. After he died I thought Liora. I am content with victor as far as out of the choices in the final 4. Liora did grow and had a good backstory/personality so I'm happy.

Set in Stone was a really good SYOT, and I'm happy you accepted my tribute. You did a great job on this and your writing improves with each story! :)
Metallic Shadow10 chapter 19 . 12/25/2014
Go Liora! But anyways that was a cat fight! I'm so glad Taima didn't win. Well I'm typing this in the car rn so it's gonna be short.

Taima: I do have to commend her for not being scared of anything. Her language was on point for a total bitch. Same for Cerise.

Cerise: I like how she talked to Liora. I mean she talked so down to her for her to be killed by her. I still don't understand why she said she deserved to die but she got her wish. I'm surprised I liked her as much as I did but as far as victor, I couldnt see much happening story wise.

Liora: So she ends up defying all odds huh? Well I'm happy with it. She really grew throughout the story even though she didn't play a huge part in the arena chapters. I'll have to say it was funny right after she stabbed cerise under the chin. Like asking if she's there haha its not a phone call liora.

Honestly I'm not surprised with Liora being a victor. At the beginning I would say I wouldn't have seen her as winning but after final four I had a good inkling. Good finale chapter! Merry Christmas!
xxbookwormmockingjayxx chapter 20 . 12/24/2014
Poor Liora :( Great chapter! I didn't at first expect her to become a prostitute but once Snow appeared I knew because he couldn't just let a desirable tribute live with their PTSD Nooooo he just has to sell them to his people :(
My fav characters: hmm I loved a lot of them but I loved Cerise's moments :)
The most shocking deaths were district 1 on day 1!
the least shocking was Gage after Emmery died I knew his death was not far away
I always think the last chapters in your Syots are some of the most memorable
you always keep me guessing on who is going to be the Victor and it's never who I think usually and yes I am happy with the victor! Amazing job Cashmere!
PretentiousScholar chapter 19 . 12/23/2014
this was one of the best finales
i like the bitches and the way they spoke to each other taima is really funny and cerise is so serious and aint takin shit and liora is like wut
then taima died rip
then liora was like omg dont speak to me like THAT and killed cerise it was a good fight im glad there were no careers
am i surprised with victor no lmfao you like whores who are all fake and stuff so no surprise for you
i hope the epilogue is good and fun to read.
jakey121 chapter 19 . 12/23/2014
so i have to review this but it'll be quick
im not gonna lie this story wasnt my favourite, your writing is great it always has been, but i think it might have been the tributes overall. but this finale really did save it okay, you made perfect choices in all three and having them here without a career to just speed things up worked well. it was slower paced and that worked well.

i love me some bitchy dialogue so you had cerise and taima there who were literally from mean girls ok. cerise from the very beginning has always been my favourite, that's never changed, there's something real about her even if she's changed for the worse throughout the games. and then once taima was gone, i loved hte change in liora's attitude as well.

she's gone from bubbly to a girl who really just wants to get this over with, a lack of emotion at the beginning that hten turned to something massive and she managed to overpower cerise who really did prove herself by killing caelia and taima.

so i would have preferred cerise, but i dont mind liora. though she only stood out here and cerise for me was bae from her very first appearance, liora does make sense if you're going for that sort of ending as opposed to what cerise would have provided. plus when she mentioned she did deserve to die, that was a good cut off point, she'd literally fallen apart.

so i guess this review changed from being quick to a little bit longer but i had things to say.

good job!
xxbookwormmockingjayxx chapter 19 . 12/23/2014
Ahhhhhhh that was amazing! I loved the final battle and I am so happy Liora won she deserved it kudos to whoever made her :) another great syot Cashmere and I wonder if we will see Liora in SAS hopefully! Can't wait for the next chapter!
bobothebear chapter 19 . 12/23/2014
liora u go girl
Metallic Shadow10 chapter 18 . 12/22/2014
Boom. Arena being destroyed.
Ooh victor next chapter! I honestly don't think Taima will win. Cerise proved herself here. I thought she would get into a fight this chapter, but I'm surprised how easily she killed Caelia. I mean she walked away with only a scratch. She's a lot more classy than I thought she was, talking about how she respected Caelia and stuff. And killing with throwing knives tops it off!
What did confuse me was when Cerise said she doesn't deserve to win. Hmm... oh well. To me, the logical/highest actual chance of winning is Cerise. She clearly displayed she was strong and a threat. Liora really hasn't done much and Taima has had only one actual combat experience but with an untrained girl. On the other hand, these stories don't always go with the strongest so we'll see!

Think: Cerise
Want: Liora

I'll be fine as long as Taima doesn't win. But if she does she does. Good chapter. I'm glad to see the arena being destroyed a little and hopefully it'll be a 3-way fight to the end. Good luck writing!
PretentiousScholar chapter 18 . 12/22/2014
yeah bye caelia
that fight was good i like cerise more because of it
who do i think will be victor ; liora
who do i want to be victor ; liora
i'm really excited for the finale it's gonna be some big cat bitch fight
xxbookwormmockingjayxx chapter 18 . 12/22/2014
That was interesting when the earthquake, I'm guessing, caused the rock slide and the battle between Caelia and Cerise was intense!
On to the questions!
Who do I think should win: Liora or Cerise I think both of them have developed a lot through the story and I can see them fighting each other in the final two
Who I want: it's between Liora and Cerise
great chapter!
Metallic Shadow10 chapter 15 . 12/22/2014
NOOOO! DALTON! Oh well it was going to come eventually. But you took out Riel? Why not Ardell? :(

Salya: That's embarrassing - getting taken out by Ardell. I really expected her to place higher, not winning, just higher. Why not just throw an axe from behind the rock? Like ugh D7 you're killing me! Not much else I can say for her though. Have to give her props for saying "What an ugly name." lol

Dalton: Aww. Loved this POV! Especially the conversation he had with Riel. It really wouldn't have mattered if the D7 pair decided to not fight D9 because they all would've died soon. I mean Dalton never had a chance but thanks for keeping him around for so long! I really liked how he became stronger after Salya died instead of breaking down and giving up. But ok Riel go in for the cheap shot. I like how he hesitates right before the axe goes into Riel's stomach. It's like he's taking one more second to prepare himself. But after, he should've take the chance to run, not just stand there! Oh well, the little fight between Ardell and Dalton was actually interesting. It seems all of these fights right now have one common theme: distraction. Like c'mon guys focus! Like really Ardell, that was unnecessary what you did to Dalton. Stabbing someone 5 times in the head is a little much! I never expected his death to be so gruesome, but I like it!

Riel: I really started to like Riel here in this chapter. I liked everything about this POV. That weird exchange between Riel and Ardell was really awkward but kinda cute and funny. I liked his whole philosophical nature, overall one of my favorite tributes here.

I finally got a chance to review the chapter my tribute died in.. Thanks for accepting him and taking him so far! I honestly thought he would've been a bloodbath considering the form I sent in was garbage. Really good chapter! Good luck with the last 3 chapters!
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