Reviews for Five Times Lithuania Had a Panic Attack
Krasavitsa chapter 1 . 7/28/2015
Poor Lithuania! I like the way you wrote his panic attacks; they seemed very realistic. You write Lithuania well. :)
Ersatz Einstein chapter 1 . 5/7/2014
The rambling, confused sentences mirrored the jumbled thoughts of a panic attack perfectly. You followed his history well, and emphasizing the first one, where he didn't know what was going on, made sense.

I think that making four and five short might have made the piece a bit top-heavy, so to speak. (Although I will admit that it gave a sense of how the attacks have become almost routine.) Also, the mentions of weakness sort of dropped off after the second one.

That aside, this flowed nicely, and the repetition of time at the end of each section leant some useful structure. I normally can't stand list-style fics, but this was wonderful. I loved reading it.