Reviews for Nachküssen
C chapter 1 . 11/22/2016
Guest chapter 1 . 3/22/2015
Great job! I loved how you wrote about each moment WE all hoped they would have. I love the German word too, and learned a new word!
ihearttvsnark chapter 1 . 5/19/2014
Aw, I love this. I'm trying not to cry at work. So beautiful and perfect!
TashaRose chapter 1 . 5/4/2014
After seeing 3x20, it makes me wonder if her magic was truly taken, or if she just assumed it was because of the curse. Either way ... we seriously need a TLK to prove to Emma and Hook that they are meant to be.
HappyReader chapter 1 . 5/4/2014
I'm so hoping this will happen in the next episode! Thnx 4 writing this awesome one-shot
KT chapter 1 . 5/1/2014
Loved it! If only this could happen before the season ends there would be a lot of happy fans out there! :-)
orangeblossom245 chapter 1 . 4/30/2014
I needed that, thank you!
shashashauna chapter 1 . 4/30/2014
Petition to add you to the S4 Once writers staff starts here! Hahaha. This is perfect!
sakura-blossom62 chapter 1 . 4/30/2014
Awww I need this or a variation of this to happen so bad because they deserve to be happy together!
EurekaBeck chapter 1 . 4/30/2014
Ah, I am hoping for this with you! Loved the line Emma gave to him about the failed TLK and all the kisses she thought she should have given after him. Thanks for writing!
mythiefoftime chapter 1 . 4/30/2014
Make this canon!
dia4lit chapter 1 . 4/30/2014
Awww. This is perfect. So beautiful. I hope something like this will happen in the next episode.
Great job!
Melly326 chapter 1 . 4/30/2014
Loved it
Bemac chapter 1 . 4/29/2014
Loved it!
hrududu29 chapter 1 . 4/29/2014
Thank you! I've read a lot of fluffy true love kiss scenarios these last few weeks, and this was easily the best. I loved how you worked Emma's character arc of taking a leap of faith/trusting someone into it. I loved that it wasn't a sleeping curse. I also loved how you described the kiss by stating all the moments that should have been! Ah! My shipper heart is very happy... Keep up the great work!
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