Reviews for Return to Pandora
Ranko's Knight chapter 1 . 6/13/2014
An interesting idea... not sure how much I like it as I LIKE the "The RDA IS EVIL INCARNATE" bit

Still you INTRODUCED the "Unobtanium is needed to save humanity" bit.

Rather then treat it as a well known and established fact...

Most Pro Human Avatar Fanfics DONT why I hate them so much..
Tchurch chapter 1 . 5/1/2014
This story is good nice to see the R.D.A. has more positive reason for wanting those rocks problem is jake and the rest of the navi don't care about what happens to humankind .
van Snyder chapter 1 . 4/27/2014
Nice (but failed) try to find an excuse for raping pandora. But mining unobtainium was never about saving earth - it was solely about profits. And even if it were so, it is THEIR world and not ours. So asking for help, giving fair returns and minimizing the ecological impact would be the only acceptable way to go.
In the real world it's the same - the oil in the arab deserts doesn't belong to us, no matter how badly we may need it. All the killing and stealing just shows how corrupt and malevolent our system is.

Massive fault of the stories physics: two of the starships could never exchange goods or people while moving in different directions!
jake.fehr75 chapter 1 . 4/27/2014
I think that this is a really good start. Most fanfics that I have read insofar, have portrayed the RDA as a greedy, heartless organizaton intent on leveling Pandora for a profit. I think that it is an intersting twist, that the reason they are after the unobtanium is in fact to save the human race. An other unique fctor of this story is that its written in first person. I'm excitd to see where this will go, and look forward to future postings.
Ragnarok666 chapter 1 . 4/27/2014
You shouldn't have made this a one shot. This seems a good start for a multi chaptered fic.
battledragon chapter 1 . 4/27/2014
got to build a dysons sphere huh? I would like to see where this go's :-)