Reviews for A Summer in Film
DemonOnigiri chapter 1 . 1/1/2016
Hello, thank you for your time with this fanfiction. I have greatly enjoyed reading all of the chapters.
darck ben chapter 4 . 7/3/2014
this was a great story to add to the series i will be looking forward to more and were your going with Andre and jade and i would like to thank you for letting me be apart of this universe
OneHorseShay chapter 4 . 6/27/2014
That was an interesting B-plot twist for the end of this short story. It will be quite interesting how that will play out going forward about whether it was real or he'll snap out of it now that he said it and something else pretty comes along.

If you plan to retell their entire senior year then I don't envy you. That took me a year and I had a part and the following full summer to work on that.

I did notice one character and I would think he would have been interested in Carly if given half the chance-heck, he would have took a quarter chance if he saw it.

Good luck in future writing,
SeddieHeartLand chapter 4 . 6/26/2014
OMG! So cute...Jandre scene kill me!
Thanks so much for update
Martial Arts Student chapter 4 . 6/26/2014
This was a good fic even the ending with Andre and Jade. It's fics like this that show that Freddie belongs in Hollywood arts more then Ridgeway.
Guest chapter 4 . 6/26/2014
nice chapter
Fanfic-Reader-88 chapter 4 . 6/26/2014
That went over well, you know, Jade dealing with André and his feelings. I would be surprised with the lack of dramatics had it not been for... another take on this situation, but that's beside the point. It'd be interesting to see how things are between them going forward. Nice end to the story. Later.
mkpunk chapter 4 . 6/25/2014
Nice wrap up to this short mini spin off. Can't wait to see the new story with the continued adventures of the Angelenos. I don't think Freddie was happy in the least with Tori's handling of Andre's crush on Jade and if there is any change in their relationship because of that. I am glad to see Jade actually reciprocated the crush. I guess we'll see where Jandre will go in the new story perhaps. I guess Jade and coffee boy wasn't as serious as people thought.

Thanks again.
Challenge King chapter 4 . 6/25/2014
This chapter was very good. This version of the episode was a lot better than the original in my opinion. Andre actually saying he was going to ask Jade out and then let her the song was about her was a complete and welcome surprise for me. Beck actually supporting Andre and telling him to go for it really showed he has matured. I hope you have them get together since Andre would treat Jade so much better than Beck did. I am looking forward to the next chapter.
Consort of Chaos chapter 4 . 6/25/2014
Nice change to the episode. Seeing Andre and Jade get together is honestly kinda weird, but I'm interested in how it's gonna play out in the next story. Oh and I found Dusty's (or should I say Soapy's) cameo kinda funny. You gonna do anything with him next story, or was his appearance just a one-off?
beverlie4055 chapter 4 . 6/25/2014
loves iktt
pbow chapter 3 . 5/29/2014
Okay, 4 different chaps for 4 different stories in 4 minutes. That must be a new record.
Anyhoo, I loved the beach scene, altho I would've thought Carly would join Cat while the redhead make her castle... or maybe Sam would've added a playfully crass joke or two to the mix.
I can see Freward trying to hone his acting skills for the upcoming parts instead of directing but Carls might have jumped at the chance to learn a bit more from someone who knows what's what. But I know Sam with surprise everyone when she knocks it out of the park.
A very nice chappy.
SeddieHeartLand chapter 3 . 5/27/2014
Great chapter.
Good to see that Sam isn't a totally lazy person anymore.
What's wrong with Tori's parents? I mean her daughter is hurt because a "incident" in a play and they don't worried or arrested Robbie(In my point of view he deserve to be in jail. He hurt Trina because a stupid puppet say that he have to do it? Please that's crap!) Seems like they preffer Tori. I always notice this in the show.
Hi from Ecuador :) and UPDATE SOON
Fanfic-Reader-88 chapter 3 . 5/26/2014
Wow, somebody was busy.

But on another note, it was a good idea to have Freddie act and not (just) direct. It would help him moving forward if he truly was gonna be a professional. At the very least, he could be the funny one in the sketch if there was another "iCarly" webcast.

One more thing, Robbie not going to jail is a clear sign that Trina isn't important to the Vegas, at least not to Mr. and Mrs. Vega. But it might actually do some good in this instance. It wouldn't have helped if Robbie faced the consequences through the hands of some random inmate. This is a instance where he has to be dealt with directly, so Trina should get her shot at him.
Challenge King chapter 3 . 5/26/2014
This chapter was very good. The day at the beach was a lot simpler than the last time they went at least no one was trapped. Freddie and Carly's reasons for not directing are very understandable. I am looking forward to the next chapter.
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