Reviews for Warriors
LillyHalliwell chapter 1 . 2/14/2015
Don't like seeing May hurting but I see a lot in common with Lady Sif and Coulson. I also think you captured Lady Sif perfectly. Nothing really seemed out of character in their actions. I really enjoyed reading this story, and hope there will be more to come!
Mrs MalContent chapter 1 . 12/11/2014
This totally, absolutely, is crying out for an update! A simple but perfect story. Thanks for writing it.
CherrySin chapter 1 . 11/4/2014
I've always adored Agent Coulson and so I can honestly say that this is a wonderful and very well written story. I enjoyed it to no end and was quite saddened to see that it was only a one shot since I kinda started obsessing over Phil/Sif ship ever since seeing them interact on that one episode of Agents of SHIELD...not to even mention that your story is the only one with actual romance. I kinda wish you would at least consider continuing it but it's marked as complete so I guess that won't happen...
Maybe a sequel then? Because I know I would stalk the neck out of it if you would write one...
Anyway, thanks for an amazing story...:)
DogInASlipper chapter 1 . 8/30/2014
Love this fic :) Any chance of a follow up?
Fenrisulfr chapter 1 . 5/28/2014
I have to say it is a strange pairing to me, yet you truly make it work. Awesome writing here! Keep it up!
Moon Fox chapter 1 . 4/30/2014
"We shall vanquish our enemies and then make love."

I was seriously LOLing at that line!

Loved this fic! Now I'm shipping Coulson/Sif!
rexlux chapter 1 . 4/23/2014
I thought this was great. I love Lady Sif but not more than May/Coulson :)
Thanks for the read!