Reviews for Unexpected Danger
Huntress79 chapter 6 . 4/21/2014
Phewww! That was close! But I'm sooooo happy and relieved that "Little Stokes #5" has survived that whole chaos unscathed. Let's hope and cross our fingers that the rest of the pregnancy will go easy on both Nick and Jackie. Great story, loved it from line 1, can't wait on their next adventures. Keep going!

Peace out, Huntress
AA - MamaBirdCat chapter 6 . 4/21/2014
there is nothing sweeter than hearing that little thump, thump, when you're lying there with unexpected bleeding..

So glad Nick and Jackie haven't lost the baby..
ForeverJaggedCSI85 chapter 6 . 4/20/2014
Phew! Everything turned out well! Great job!
Teddie G chapter 6 . 4/20/2014
Aww very happy for them. This kids going to give them more problems then the others combined lol
JennaTN chapter 6 . 4/20/2014
So glad they heard the heartbeat and the baby is fine.
Great story.
vegas nivel 3 chapter 6 . 4/20/2014
Thanks, by the turn of history, I am now happy. Update soon!
Marymel chapter 6 . 4/20/2014
Oh, thank goodness! I was crying happy tears!
Huntress79 chapter 5 . 4/20/2014
With every new chapter now, my heart is breaking even more for both of them. Great writing, keep going!

Peace out, Huntress
vegas nivel 3 chapter 5 . 4/20/2014
I hope you can change the ending. makes me sad about this is not right and unfortunately like such a cute couple do not deserve. Update soon!
JennaTN chapter 5 . 4/20/2014
Awe...poor Nicky and Jackie
Teddie G chapter 5 . 4/20/2014
Aww poor Nick and Jackie.
AA - MamaBirdCat chapter 5 . 4/19/2014
UGH! at least I brought some tissues with me...

I love these Nick and Jackie stories because they are cute, happy, and they captured glimpses of happy family life..

This story however has me crying and sad.. Please let Jackie's baby be okay..
AA - MamaBirdCat chapter 4 . 4/19/2014
**SOB** I know exactly how they feel.. I have experienced that horror of being on a table, bleeding, and praying that a heartbeat can be found..

my heart is breaking for Jackie and Nick - please let the tech capture the heartbeat..
AA - MamaBirdCat chapter 3 . 4/19/2014
Love it - Jackie stayed calm enough to not only hide but to grab another kid and hide him too..

Oh man, Nick and Jackie can't catch a break - can they..?
Marymel chapter 5 . 4/19/2014
Poor Nick and Jackie...I feel so horrible for them. I know they'll be strong, but I still feel bad :'(
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