Reviews for Betrayal
Guest chapter 8 . 7/6/2016
PLEASE POST 9 or I will stalk you and tie you up and make you narrate it to me!
Also, I hope everything is going fine with you. If you do need any moral support I'm there, ok? JUST FINISH STORY!
Thesweetestcrime chapter 8 . 7/31/2015
Listen. I hate you! You have made one of the best stories here. You got me addicted and then you disappear like Reksai. :( please dont do this to us. Write more often
Guest chapter 8 . 7/1/2015
Damn this has to be the best KatxRiven I have ever read. You make Katarina a very endearing character, without making her completely OOC. I also like the inclusion of Freljord in this story, and it seems to be heading in a really great direction. I also sense a bit of QuinnxAshe going on. Keep up the excellent work and may your life become less stressful in the near future.
EvilGeniusFan chapter 8 . 6/25/2015
Great to see you back after the phase of absence. I missed Lux's & Katarina's bickering when you were gone, so thanks for continuing your story.
I am sorry that I could not respond earlier, because I have been busy, but here we go:

Due to the time between chapters I needed a moment to remeber what happend, but this chapter goes perfectly with the ones before it. It brings the story along and, as I said before, you (and Shaw) are really good with that. The eye for detail in your description is always great. And did I see a little bit of concern in Katarina's remark about the cold towards Lux?

So as alwyas, a nice chapter that leaves me wanting more. I hope the next update will be sooner, but I understand that this is not always possible. I am excited for more of your content and say: Keep the good work up.
Nyx Sigma ZERO chapter 8 . 6/16/2015
Yeah I really tough you were dead but THANK GOD I WAS WRONG, so not much to comment on this chapter, considering what I already read in the first version, about you situation, I feel like I need to be honest, I disagree but agree at the same time...Am I making sense here? I think not, anyway ya just have to know that you're still one of my favorites authors here, that's not going you change, I'm still you fan XD keep up the good work, the importance here is that you're happy.
EmmaEnderBlade chapter 7 . 6/8/2015
I hope you're still alive. I wish for this fic to finish.
That and Lux at the ending killed me.
EvilGeniusFan chapter 7 . 1/25/2015
Awesome, a new chapter of betrayal. I was eagerly waiting for it and now it's here. This chapter is slower in pace, but onstead focusing on the enviorment and the characters which I really appreciate. You don't care for the story or the characters if they are not fleshed out, something (as I said before) you are really good at. Also the whole preparation really build up suspense, I can't wait for them to find out what is happening. If it goes a similar route like the old Betrayal then I can't wait, and if it takes a new one, I can't wait either because then I will be suprised. Either way I am excited for a new chapter. Big thanks to you and Shaw for writing this story. Keep the good work up.

Just a little question: When Talon defends Quinn by telling Katarina that trusting your insticts is important, is it implying that he has a little crush on Quinn, or was he just annoyed by Katarina?
Nyx Sigma ZERO chapter 7 . 1/22/2015
Damn you really scared me here, thinking that Betrayal was on Hiatus, but it seems that things are back on Track, so I'm on Cloud Nine :D, I do have to say AGAIN that the previous plot line was good, but the new is Amazing, can't wait for the Kar x Lux to happen (I almost cried when saw the uptade in my Story Alert hehe)
Runty Grunty chapter 7 . 1/22/2015
Lol, Lux smuggled herself along. That is so cute!

More please.
Nyx Sigma ZERO chapter 6 . 9/11/2014
I was trying to guess how would go to Frejord in the Remake, and it seems better too, like the rest :D
Nyx Sigma ZERO chapter 5 . 9/11/2014
Ya really scared me there, i was missing it too much, shame nothing happened between them after the party XD
Dragons Darkness chapter 6 . 9/11/2014
You're alive!

Lux is such an adorable dumb ball, now all she needs to do is avoid getting strangled by Katarina and she can survive and live through the rest of her life.

On to the Freljord it is then! I wonder whats gonna happen there.

Poor Quinn even during vacations she needs to work.

I await the next chapter!
Dragons Darkness chapter 5 . 7/7/2014
Good job on the chapter!

I always imagined Lux would be a light weight when it came to alcohol.

Sorry for your loss buddy
EvilGeniusFan chapter 5 . 7/7/2014
Yay new chapter. I'm so happy to see the story continue. It is interesting to see the story going in another direction as before and while you (as always) let the characters stay in character, you also give them the possibilites to be different this time around. I don't think that this chapter was filler, in all honesty I think it advanced the story a little bit too fast. I mean Katarina starts off by having feelings of guilt, when she thinks Lux could be dissapointed, which is a little bit of a jump (if my memopry is not completly screwed), when the last time we saw her, she had respect, but (on the surface at least) no deeper going feelings for Lux. But that is okay, because I got some light Lux/katarina fluff ;). Also I like that you put in Lux's father, which added suspense. And Cassiopeia and a bitchy Talon made my day at the beginning, I hope they will have more little cameos. Another great chapter, keep the good work up.
PS: I'm sorry for your loss and send my best regards to you and your family.
FuriousBacon chapter 5 . 7/7/2014
Love the newest chapter! I fucking squealed when I saw the message in my inbox :D
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