Reviews for The Facts of Life
JadedMagick143 chapter 1 . 12/17/2014
I honestly don't understand how this only has one review! This was absolutely AMAZING! Most fanfictions I read are people who don't know how to properly string together sentences to form a decent paragraph, never mind five chapters worth of a story. The plot, the development, the actual writing... all of it was phenomenal! I adore this pairing, but unfortunately, in the KH fandom, Akuroku and Soriku (both of which I love, don't get me wrong) are the particularly popular pairings. ZexionxDemyx isn't nearly as popular, but they're such a great pairing. The quiet, shy, book nerd type mixes so well with Demyx's carefree attitude. Thank you so much for sharing this. I've loved reading it! 3
princess pantsu chapter 3 . 4/14/2014
oh my goodness i am loving this story 3 its one of the first recent good stories uwu keep up the great work! id love to read more3