Reviews for Co-Op Gaming
yubel the ultimate nightmare chapter 25 . 8/14
I like the platonic relationship with kaiba and jounouchi in this story.
yubel the ultimate nightmare chapter 7 . 8/13
I love the cat.
Maiyuri Tsura chapter 46 . 4/20
I have so many things to say about this story; first, I am just blown away! This story had me hanging on the edge of my seat every single line, and I absolutely love it! This fanfic is the gem I've been searching for, as an avid Yu-Gi-Oh! reader/Azureshipper. Excellent dynamic characters and a fleshed-out plot that ties into something other than loveless lust.

I want to admit something: Right before I started reading this story (it was on my list of longer Yu-Gi-Oh! fanfics to read), I had just finished a small reading marathon of shorter oneshots, and every single one of them — much to my chagrin — was either too rushed, contained too OOC characters, and/or focused on the lust of the relationship. My personal belief is that a relationship should be built on trust, respect, and genuine love for another, and your story really hit that point home all the way! I absolutely love how you took the time to develop the story of two brothers preparing to release a new video game — honestly, I'm gonna need to start looking into more action/adventure fanfics to read, but I seriously doubt any of them will hold a candle to this one you've written.

I keep a small notebook with me whenever I read or hear something interesting around me, and I have literally spent several moments every day as I read this story, just writing down inspiring passages and quotes! Amazing work with the story! Now I can read the canon/manga and look at the characters with a new set of eyes: After all, we only know by canon what happens a year after the original manga (with "The Dark Side of Dimensions"), but nothing immediately afterwards: Now that everyone is well into their twenties/young adult years, it feels extremely reasonable that the characters would experience major changes in their personalities, and I love the approach you've taken with each of them! Growing up, I've been extremely emotionally invested in these characters — I even started composing piano music because I needed an outlet for expressing my desire that they were more than just fictional characters who could never become "friends" in the physical, tangible sense — and every single one of your chapters has nearly brought me to tears — tears of happiness and admiration, because this story truly stands out among several others I've come across over the years. You should be extremely proud of yourself with this work. It has a great character-driven storyline and vivid details.

Another tidbit I want to add here (this came from my reading notes): I love the point Mokuba makes to convince Seto to phone Anzu as they near the hospital — yes, the older doesn't want to be an inconvenience (story of my life, honestly — a fear of burdening others unnecessarily), yet he considers it the other way around and realizes he'd want her to phone him if she got injured, even if he was at work. That he changes so much and shows this caring side, I truly believe it is reasonable, especially since the story transpires years after the canon (i.e., when they're actually in their twenties) and he's moved past Duel Monsters and toward his actual passions. The character of Irika is also an intriguing piece of the story, namely her being a reformed scientist. It goes to show Seto — despite his reputation — is indeed caring, and due to his actions throughout (definitely not OOC! Classic smart-aleck Kaiba is still there!), I very strongly accept this story as headcanon (granted, yes, I'm a diehard Azureshipper!), which might actually be fanon provided others here (and you, evidently) feel the same _ But really!

This story has lifted me up so much these last few days, and now I know I'm never turning back on reading fanfics! I was about ready to quit reading fanfics altogether after coming across so many lust-driven stories (insert: eye roll), but then I decided since this story was next on my to-read list, I'd give it a shot first. I am so glad I took that chance! Thank you so much for creating this story! It has helped me in more ways than I can count, in my outlook on life, the future, and beyond! I need that sense and hope as a young adult (all right, all right, and hopeless romantic at times) that genuine, reciprocated love is out there somewhere, and this story has become my go-to piece (possibly the only piece; like I mentioned earlier, I seriously doubt any other fanfics will hold up to the standards I now have, having read "Co-Op Gaming"!) for relaxation, contemplation, and rejuvenation.

It reminds me of a quote I recently came across, by Theodore Parker: "The books that help you the most are those that make you think the most." Considered in the context of fanfics, then, the fanfics that help you the most are those that make you think the most _

I've said this so many times already, but I'm gonna say it again: Thank you so much for creating this piece! It is the jewel in my reading journey I feel extremely lucky to have come across! It's rejuvenated my thrill in reading fanfics, not to mention reinforced my personal values and mentality toward living life and working toward my dreams.

I should note: This is the first review I've ever actually written for a fanfic; I normally wouldn't because very few stories (up till now, zero) have pulled at my heartstrings and moved me so intensely, so fervently. This story, "Co-Op Gaming," is a masterpiece beyond masterpieces, and I am so glad I began reading it just a few days ago. Thank you for being such an impeccable writer! You truly rock!
RamonaFlowers25 chapter 39 . 9/9/2019
This is a really, really great story. But if there aren’t any lemons and just light swearing, I think the rating should just be T ;n; I really wanted a lemon but I love it!
Nollypoo chapter 15 . 8/29/2019
I just have to say, them playing PSO makes me SO HAPPY because it's one of my all time favorite games, and I have similar memories of playing for hours on end with my older brother just like Kaiba and Mokuba. One of the biggest reasons I went into game development!
Guest chapter 46 . 6/13/2017
I really enjoyed this story. Hope you make more like this.
EclipseLove chapter 13 . 4/16/2017
Hahahahahahahahaha love it, pretty much of a gamer!
EclipseLove chapter 12 . 4/16/2017
Like it, i have always believed that Seto would be this person, that once you hang out with him.. he opens up! 3
shiitakehero chapter 43 . 2/15/2017
loved your story
pattie mayonnaise chapter 8 . 10/25/2016
I'm loving this story SO much. Everyone is so in character, and I'm excited that Seto and Anzu are now thrown together. Your concept is original and it opens up the potential for so much banter and development between them. Also, your story is so detailed it's insane! Like as in awesome. Seriously, kudos. I also appreciate your ability to show each character's personalities without explaining too much, but more through their thoughts and things they say. The early chapters where Kaiba is thinking at length of what he needs to do rather than worrying about his health, and his annoyance at the nurse comes to mind. (So very Kaiba.) Can't wait to see what happens next!
Guest chapter 46 . 12/22/2015
I adore your story. Please write more stories about seto Kaiba.
jarjayes chapter 34 . 7/24/2015
This is a very sweet story.
Sure, there are moments that are intense...and I haven't even finished reading...but overall, it's sweet.
jarjayes chapter 33 . 7/23/2015
Oh, I'm on the verge of tears.
It's very good writing.
And if this was years ago, imagine how much you've improved since then.
jarjayes chapter 32 . 7/23/2015
Very sweet...I like how you are getting into Seto's head.
This is more of a fic told in Seto's POV.
I like it.
jarjayes chapter 31 . 7/23/2015
This was amazing!
I love it!
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