Reviews for Orbit
TastefullyRetarded chapter 1 . 9/25/2018
Is there gonna be another chapter?
Melody-Rose-20 chapter 1 . 11/23/2016
ooh interesting
alh1971 chapter 1 . 4/3/2016
Remarkably disturbing, which astounds given the tale's brevity. Well done.
cullensrule chapter 1 . 7/4/2014
The phase was ominous it was going to be this or a possible bullying situation but I hoped for maybe a good surprise. I went into it with eyes wide open although I am sad I am sad that Bella was in the situation and was betrayed by the boys she thought were her friends. I feel so sorry for her..
In response to chapter 1 . 4/10/2014
Saddened, I didn’t realize the entire world of fictional writing revolved around your ideal genre. Or that you were the “Queen” and behold anyone who dares to write a piece that your delicate nature cannot witness. Do you hold to the ideas of a Totalitarian party? Right wing radical?

I have never written a story that didn’t somehow speak to a person, whether it be good or bad. I make no apologies for not staying in the same genre I started with. There are over 100,000 fanfiction stories listed here, why waste your time on one that upsets you so written by a person you say you have no respect for?

You were a fan of mine, but are no longer and feel the need to tell me this repeatedly, over and over because…? I am not offended. It matters little to me if you choose to read my work or like it. The fact remains, however, you have read it and you have commented on it. Twice.

The irony, though, is this isn’t the first story I’ve written that you claimed to have hated and would no longer be reading my work. Why do you come back? Will I see your anon comments again on a future story? LOL, you hate my writing so much you feel the need to continue to torture yourself? Okay, then. Game on.
Saddened chapter 1 . 4/9/2014
I was extremely saddened by the lack of emotion this piece projected. Where are you trigger warnings to those women, who you claim need support from us to overcome incidents that you have just written about? If this was done tastefully, respectfully, then I would be tempted to applaud you on your outright bravery to touch such a horrid and disgusting act, but I'm not.

I feel you have used this as a shock factor to 'come back' maybe you should stayed gone until you realize that writing pieces like this are insulting to women who have been abused. I feel your lack of compassion nauseating at best.

Your 'Fans' can congratulate you on a job well done as much as their little hearts desire. Defend you and have your back against reviews like mine, where I state how I really feel about your writing. As a writer you cannot expect to have people lick your ass because of who you used to be, I also was a fan once upon a go, but your writing changed, became - less.

I love nothing more than an author who writes from the heart with passion, with emotion and every thing else they have inside them. But to write something like this? And lack emotion, I find it insulting, down right rude. And before you go telling me that I am just reading what I want to read from the words you have written? I call bullshit, you have written exactly what you wanted us to read, a rape scene.
ShadowPast620 chapter 1 . 4/9/2014
This a shining example of how much power can be contained in a few carefully chosen words. Is it disturbing? Yes. (Although, I do NOT subscribe to the notion that you can know all the inner workings of an author by reading some words on a page. Nor do I feel a review is an appropriate platform for passing judgement or issuing self-righteous reprimands. Frankly, I prefer the exorcising of personal demons in print as opposed to causing harm to anyone, but that is a debate for another day. Don't like the words? DON'T READ THEM.)

I was rendered speechless and wide-eyed when I finally realized what I had read, but the words provided insight into the characters, and how time and careless rejection can breed the kind of anger and resentment that could lead even the sunniest of friends to demand some kind of compensation, however cruel. I know you prefer to say more. Here, you have said exactly enough and spoken clearly. Not many can do so as well as you have done here. Be proud. It is well earned.
tunde-tre chapter 1 . 4/9/2014
I say, that's a powerful comeback! (or at least I hope it's a comeback!) All the implications this drabble leaves behind ought to lit some fires, right? I mean this is the exact situation where the phrase applies "I only am responsible for what I write, not what you understand of it!".
Another excellent example for how much power words can hold. Maybe make it into a drabble series? A girl can hope, right? lol
Welcome back LFC! Love, Tunde
blahblahblahinfinity chapter 1 . 4/8/2014
I never know which way you will turn things and that's why I enjoy your work. I like a smack in the face now and then for making the simple assumptions. And quite a big smack this is for just 500 words. Well done.
And I can help but put in a request for more of Justified. Thank you.
lfc chapter 1 . 4/8/2014
To my reader, Disappointed:

Judgment is cast as soon as a word has been uttered in any form of communication.

You are angry because you read blatant words that held no hidden meaning but because they do not fit your definition, you feel I have wronged you. Lemon is slang for sex. Not all sex is consensual. Guttural is a sound made within the throat. You placed your own expectations on those words and now point a finger that I fail to share the same opinion. Please use a dictionary in the future before attempting to place that accusation on my doorstep.

You speak of only half an issue when you throw at me the tribulations of women who have been raped. What of the women who have overcome rape and need not the support? Or the women who have never overcome the incident? Why are you not shaming authors who write erotic HEA scenes; ones that a raped woman will never be able to have because the touch of anyone, be it harming or caring, threatens their sanity? But then, this drabble merely alludes to a happenstance and it is the reader’s imagination to fill in the gaps. So who is the troubled one, the writer or the reader?

The emotion I write in a story is not the outpouring of mine but the evoking of yours. Congratulate me, for I have succeeded in my initial endeavor. Have you?
Princess Mishawaka chapter 1 . 4/8/2014
OMG scary. What are they really doing to Bella? You tend to write funny stories BUT you also write sad ones too so which is this one?
Are you going to update Justification? Hope you don't forget that one. I miss reading your stories please keep writing. I am really a big fan of your work.
jul5857 chapter 1 . 4/8/2014
You love to stir it up!
That's why I love you :)
Melody-Rose-20 chapter 1 . 4/8/2014
Phew - please continue with this - there's so much more to this story.
lilsealsfriend chapter 1 . 4/8/2014
HOLY SH!T, you're baaaaack!
Disappointed chapter 1 . 4/8/2014
Whatever sadness you are going through in your life, I hope ends soon and with light and happiness. The things you write lately, even with the large spans of time in between, are horrific at worst, and sad at best. It seems like such a wasted talent writing on the horrors and injustices that happen in life, when Fanfiction is an escape for so many of us. Not a place to read trigger content, and words that hemorrhage with a cry for help.

This is not a judgement. I was once a fan of yours, but no longer. My only hope for you now is that you find peace within yourself. Take these words as you see fit. In the end, what matters to you and to me are two different things. Fanfiction is an escape from everyday life, where happy endings exist and the girl-next-door gets to be a princess with her own Knight in shining armor. Obviously to you, Fanfiction is a way to make fictional characters act out your pain, your sadness, and acts of violence that are not a source for entertainment with women. Try to keep in mind with the next challenge you twist into a forty-five degree angle, a large percentage of Twilight Fanfiction readers are women, and the majority of us do not appreciate mislabeling/no trigger warnings/injustice to characters/all around violence against our gender.