Reviews for Into the White
TwinkLoverXO chapter 6 . 5/8
So beautiful, so hot. Amazingly written
sevvyboy1fangirl chapter 10 . 10/24/2019
I would love more of this, maybe them making a little family. They would be adorable with a little girl, I can easily imagine jesse cursing under his breath while trying to do her hair.
jeff chapter 1 . 10/21/2019
JRavenTheFangirl chapter 10 . 2/27/2015
Oh my gawd. (Damn.) Look at. That. Fic.
A.m.a.z.i.n.g. I loved this. IM SO GLAD JESSE AND WALT HAD A HAPPY ENDING I was hoping they would. Thank you, Hank. this thing was just so cute, I can't even... And the smut sprinkled on top was a nice touch. Im kinda jealous of their new house, too.
This has the BEST one-liners, I swear. "Check out that bitchin' view." "Or maybe we stare down the past and make it out bitch." "Why can't 'hurry the fuck up' be a virtue?" I laughed so hard. They're all from Jesse too XD
So... Along with being funny... It was also really sweet. I'm glad that it was serious at times; the fluff and serious stuff balanced out, and that's hard to do in fics.
Conclusion: it was amazing. Standing ovation. I think I'll be reading more of your stuff soon! :)
JRavenTheFangirl chapter 3 . 2/25/2015
God I read your other fanfic, I just realized that. Then I came across this one and I... Oh my god it's amazing! I'm only on chapter 3 and already I loove it. Ship it like FedEx. Optimus Bitch... XDD I can totally imagine him saying that. It's really well paced. Not too fast... but not boring, either. The occasional flash-forwards to Walt and Hank are great; perks your interest. Can't wait to see how they connect. I HOPE JESSE AND WALT STOP FIGHTING (it's already begun to stop so yay). The relationship between Walt and Jesse is just too perfect. I love it. I'm going to keep reading.
Obsessedwithyaoi chapter 10 . 1/14/2015
More please that was beautiful
occasionallywrite chapter 10 . 9/22/2014
So beautiful! You kept them wonderfully in character. Brilliant story!
Mikki chapter 10 . 8/23/2014
omg this whole story was awesome *u* you're extremely good at writing them in character. 3
ilovereid chapter 1 . 8/6/2014
Wow. The whole story was really beautifully written.
Porkchop Sandwiches chapter 10 . 5/26/2014
I really loved these last two chapters! There's something so adorable and endearing about how excited Jesse was to work as a team with Walt for the trivia night. And I loved the scene with the two of them in the restaurant and Jesse not getting why Walt's staring at him/admiring him. I was a little worried about why they were back in New Hampshire in the beginning of the story, like I knew they were going to have to go back since I remembered Walt's been telling this story to Hank, but I was super relieved when they were able to get away after Hank left. I wish the show could have had such a happy ending: celebrating birthdays, making cakes with pun-related icing, doing each other on the regular. It made me very happy inside!
Lugga chapter 10 . 5/22/2014
Beautiful! Thank you for writing such an awesome and believable story.
Lugga chapter 9 . 5/19/2014
One word: HOT!
Lugga chapter 8 . 5/12/2014
Awww I LOVE this chapter! They do make a good team. :) thank you good updating.
TreVerson155 chapter 8 . 5/11/2014
This story is the reason why I started watching Breaking Bad and now I can't wait to finsh watching the series and reading this story. Please continue i'm awaiting the next chapter.
Porkchop Sandwiches chapter 8 . 5/10/2014
I'd loved this so much! Jesse's annoyance and then pure, unadulterated happiness was adorable beyond belief. To quote Jesse, this resort you've created does sound dope. It was nice to hear Walt talk about a happy memory of Gretchen. The sex was steamy and also I liked how it just naturally happened, and the morning after pawing. I'm thrilled they are staying for a whole week here!
P.S. This is so random, but I'll feel weird about this otherwise if I don't bring it up. I'm currently posting a Breaking Bad story that I finished over a month ago and now I'm slowly revising and uploading chapters. My story has someone take Jesse to the beach too,which I haven't posted yet, and I didn't want it to look like I was copying you. Not that I'm assuming you'd think that, and it is very different bc it's a crossover with another show. They're also going to watch Jaws, which is a random coincidence. I just wanted to clear my conscience. Also, I'm weird :P
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