Reviews for 50 Tears To Cry
KentuckyMacFuck chapter 7 . 8/9/2019
Awe, poor baby! :(
KentuckyMacFuck chapter 6 . 8/9/2019
Not sure what the setting for this chapter is supposed to be other than that Eren was in a battle (I guess?) and then Levi had to force him to stop?, but great writing!.
KentuckyMacFuck chapter 5 . 8/9/2019
Cute and wholesome, I love how Levi doesn't shame Eren for his emotions! (It's very OOC, but written INCREDIBLY well!) :D
KentuckyMacFuck chapter 4 . 8/9/2019
Sad but cute, I like how it's implied when Levi says "How many times are WE going to do this?" that Levi had gone to the trouble of comforting Eren more than once, it really is a sweet sentiment, especially sense he's hardly obligated to do so, but does so anyway! :3
KentuckyMacFuck chapter 3 . 8/9/2019
Whoa, this scared me because I've actually read fics before where a character who the MC was attached to was trying to kill them, and let me tell you, those fics DESTROYED me! :'D
KentuckyMacFuck chapter 2 . 8/9/2019
SnK fluff always breaks my heart, there really aren't enough None-Smut Eren/Levi fics, I need more platonic Father/Son (And Frienship!) FICS!.

Guest chapter 14 . 10/29/2014
omg so good! update soon!
Polska99 chapter 14 . 10/18/2014
So far, I think this one was my favorite. It didn't have any romance and so on, and the characters were very well written and not OOC.

Keep on writing!
PetTheKitten chapter 14 . 9/24/2014
That was really good!
SiriusDancer chapter 14 . 9/11/2014
Aww. Loved this chapter. It was kinda nice to see Armin be a kind of hero. Awesome! Thanks
kaileylexiteresa chapter 14 . 9/11/2014
This turned out so amazingly! I don't even have any words.

Thanks for the shoutout by the way :)

Oh, and titan experiments? Heck yes.
DrunkOnPancakes chapter 14 . 9/11/2014
kaileylexiteresa chapter 13 . 8/21/2014
"Maybe now they would realize that when they lose their hope, they lose their strength as well."
OH MY GOSH I JUST GOT IT! Eren is the hope of humanity, and Levi is humanity's strongest! I'm facepalming myself for not realizing this sooner, especially considering Eren's explicit line about Levi epitomizing strength, but damn.
You truly are an incredible writer. This quote is so well-written. This story is so well-written. I love what you write about, and your sheer mastery of language gives me chills when I read. I'm completely obsessed with this story.
Sorry for the manic rant, but...gah. You're just amazing.
CheshireKitKat chapter 13 . 8/16/2014
You know... it would be interesting...if for once... Eren comforted a crying Levi...
Murithemagnificant chapter 13 . 8/16/2014
That was probably your best chapter so far
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