Reviews for Starlight in the Gloom
Isolde Moonstone chapter 3 . 1/15/2015
Please write moarrr! God, Draco is being a git.
Great story!
Airin Desu chapter 3 . 1/8/2015
Given that Harry's last words to Draco before all this were Drop Dead I can't blame Draco for how he's acting. After saying something like that I'd feel like Harry owed it to me to make sure I was recovered too.
TexasSupernaturalCowgirl chapter 3 . 12/7/2014
Please continue the story. I want to see more.
boobearhplover chapter 3 . 10/24/2014
I do hope you continue with this!
greeneyedangie chapter 3 . 10/19/2014
more please
jupimako chapter 3 . 10/20/2014
You updated ::happy dance:: That was fantastic. Thank you.
YeCatsJ chapter 3 . 10/10/2014
Love it, hope there's more soon
IchigoGalaxy chapter 3 . 10/10/2014
Wow, I really like this. My biggest question is how on earth are they ever going to get along when Draco has such a pompous attitude. And he clearly hasn't come to his senses. I love Muse too, btw. I look forward to the next chapter!
ObsessiveCompulsiveReader chapter 3 . 10/9/2014
First I want to say I was esctatic when I saw there was an update for this story! I love the plot and this nurse Harry, the explanation for Cristophe was surprising and in a way I felt sorry for Draco but at the same time I want to slap him every time he opens his mouth! I understand sarcasm as a defense mechanism but come on Harry has done everything in his power to help him, even breaking a few (lot) of secrecism laws and is willing to take care of him and he keeps complaining!
Shini-neko-chan chapter 3 . 10/9/2014
Looking forward to the next chapter :D Keep up the awesome job
Missy Padfoot chapter 3 . 10/8/2014
I'm really excited for the next chapter! What happened to Draco is so tragic. I have so many questions, but gah ... can't. wait. for. more...
EP is still lazy chapter 3 . 10/4/2014

oh geez in German too? Lol
mom52575 chapter 3 . 10/3/2014
Poor Harry and in a small way poor Draco. Good chapter, can't wait for more. Have fun with it and good luck.
ASH186 chapter 3 . 10/3/2014
Looks like they both had a hand in the separation. Hopefully they'll be able to work it out.
AliceCullen3 chapter 3 . 10/3/2014
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