Reviews for Paper, First
Guest chapter 1 . 4/18
Thank you
AngelLonginus chapter 1 . 3/11/2019
Saw your rec for this on Twitter recently. I hadn’t read it before. It was lovely. Castle is so creative and loving in his gift giving. Love how he had Beckett guessing. Great anniversary story for a great couple! Loved it!
Lyn chapter 1 . 3/11/2019
Just loved this ️
Kristee Miorada chapter 1 . 3/11/2019
So beautiful
Guest chapter 1 . 10/29/2018
Nice, sweet, romantic...! We read only Castle.
TheFlutteryButterfly chapter 1 . 5/15/2016
Very imaginative! :-)
ksatan624 chapter 1 . 5/1/2016
Très original cette énigme. Encore une fiction que j'aime beaucoup.
SparkleMouse chapter 1 . 10/13/2015
"You're staring at me," she mumbled, and he nodded, the trace of a smile on his face.

"Mmm," he agreed, reaching for her and running his fingertip across her arm. "So… what are your plans for the day?" - Stopppp. This is already too cute.

"A book?"

He snorted. "Sure, Beckett. Get it in one, by all means. Don't worry about savoring the mystery. Forget about allowing each of your senses to take the gift in… don't be concerned with breathing in the scent of ink and paper, and listening to the rustle of pages beneath your fingers. No, forget about all that- and just call it." He shook his head, a feigned grimace as he spat out, "a book!" in mock disgust. - Pretty much internally screaming right now because his response is the best.

"No, don't question it, Beckett. It's important that you have a good copy of our first book." - OUR first book. Too much!

No, it had to be today." - I'm getting all jittery and squealing. I did want to sleep. Now I just wanna watch the pilot.

"You're delusional," she told him with a glance toward the window. "Fifty degrees is not exactly balmy." - Eh. NY in March. That actually is balmy lol.

He released her hand, helping her shrug into the soft leather jacket and she was unable to suppress the moan that escaped as the buttery material molded itself around her. - I just moaned at the description of this. I want it.

So. Beckett needed to look at the details. Establish a timeline, perhaps. She had another few hours before she had to be in at work but maybe today she could commandeer a spare white board, look at all the big picture facts. What did she have to go on so far? - I love that they do this for each other. These silly games that they know the other will love. It's so them. Makes me wish we could see this.

"Five years," he whispered back. "Five years since you dragged me out of that book launch party and completely and utterly rearranged by life…" - For some reason, the whisper kills me.

"Year one," he corrected her. "And paper. There's a traditional gift for each year of marriage, and paper is the first." - SO EMOTIONAL

Figured if it was housed in wood, then it would count." - For a second I hallucinated and though he built her a house but it's Castle so...he definitely can't build a house. Sorry, bud.

"Okay. Because- only if you're sure? Because we can sell this place- hell, we can sell the Hamptons- we can buy any place you want, as long as it's our home, and, Kate-" - Who needs someone to build you a house, when you have this offer? Love.

Books. Ink. Characters. Story. All on paper. Five times, so far, that Nikki and Rook had defied the odds. Five years in which she and Castle had fought and worked, pushed and pulled, and loved. Five years in which she'd straddled a line between love and hate, so very determined, at first, to hate the man fate had sent her way, until she'd tumbled over the edge and into something so very much more than she'd ever expected to have. - I love this paragraph so much.

"Oh, Kate," he managed, moving in, crashing his body against hers and pressing his lips to hers, then pulling away, his breathing uneven. "For you- everything- your actions, your whole being, tell me everything I need to know." - Wahhh
KaitlynAlways0415 chapter 1 . 1/8/2015
Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes that was absolutely and completely wonderfully perfect
kmum chapter 1 . 5/18/2014
I really loved the plot you created... Nice one
1822andallthat chapter 1 . 5/9/2014
That was just awesome! LOVED it.
Wilker39 chapter 1 . 5/9/2014
Nicely done!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/27/2014
Loved it,
eyrianone chapter 1 . 4/8/2014
A clever and romantic idea that's incredibly 'Castle' - perfectly and poignantly executed. Bravo my friend.
MsNYC chapter 1 . 4/6/2014
I saw the date & said that's when they met but a few yrs back. Then following the clues was fun gr8 story :)
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