Reviews for A Thousand Deaths per Minute
pretend it was just a dream chapter 1 . 10/15/2014
This story was absolutely heartbreaking, good job! I think you captured Hyo-Shin's character completely. And don't worry about writing his to have a fear of heights. I think it's ironic in a good way.
teamjakewardgal chapter 1 . 3/24/2014
How can this be complete? I need more rachel and hyo shin..hints of them are not enough..please dear author, can u not make this longer? With lots of rachel and hyo shin interactions? Pleeeze?
thestudyof-ares chapter 1 . 3/23/2014
Beautiful in a sad way. Now I just want to hug Hyosin so badly. UGH ALL THESE FEELS.
Ugh okay, so, even with the blurry insight into his character, Hyosin is already my favorite character in The Heirs. And then you came with this AND NOW I JUST- GOD. I love this maybe a little too much. Thank you for writing this and Faceless, I really love them.