Reviews for Ah! My Monster Girls
Ghost Man chapter 22 . 3/31/2019
You should really update this if you're still doing the story. There's some potential here. Just gotta find a plot.

Damn..Gate's really pissed...that's excessive!

I love Bell. This version is fun!
Ghost Man chapter 21 . 3/31/2019
...pick up the phone. I called it.

Oh...Urd's referencing the sickness thing. Poor Urd
Ghost Man chapter 20 . 3/31/2019
French Fries don't count cuz they still potatoes

Seriously? Street Fighter moves? *shakes head* Oivay

I still think it's Skuld
Ghost Man chapter 19 . 3/31/2019
This was kinda cool. Bell is showing herself to be quite smart.

1. Never say "Get her"
2. If anyone asks if you are a god, you say YES!
Ghost Man chapter 18 . 3/31/2019's a trap! That's not Bell! O,o or is it? I feel so confused did they...what the...*blinks* Okay...that happened. Good job
Ghost Man chapter 17 . 3/31/2019
Dude, Bell, that's some tough love.

...and that's a pissed off Bell. Holy crap
Ghost Man chapter 16 . 3/31/2019
Belldandy wants her eet!

Wait I thought Dopple was bad...dahell
Ghost Man chapter 15 . 3/31/2019
Honest...I agree with "Naru"

This one has been quite the chapter. Lots going on. Lots to track.

Okay I didn't see that last part coming. That was quite a reveal.
Ghost Man chapter 14 . 3/31/2019
Of course it's Tifa -_-
, Chidori? Oh boy
Naru!? . Kami help us
Good job Ayana!

Yay! Centorea!
Ghost Man chapter 13 . 3/31/2019
Polt is best gal this time around. She's super smart!

Good call. A mask would be useful, but what about the oil in the fur?

Funny thing is that Aoshima wasn't far off the initial plan. *shrugs* Points for him.
Aoshima didn't promise not to have anyone else sabotage anything.

Hmm...allowances for lying? Well it's important to be able to...avoid certain truths.
Ghost Man chapter 12 . 3/30/2019
Urd...that was dangerous XD

Though the gate restrictions don't make's stupid. I mean I know it's canon. I just didn't agree with that part. It's like removing free will.

I was going to fill sorry for Urd...but now I feel sorry for Miia
Ghost Man chapter 11 . 3/30/2019
Keiichi got backbone...yeah!

Miia needs...antidote _

Bell really needs to just chill with her moods -_-
Ghost Man chapter 10 . 3/30/2019
Oh sheesh...Tamiya, Otaki, what are you plotting?
Ghost Man chapter 9 . 3/30/2019
This Bell is a bit...amorous?

Aoshima...SIT!, she was always more redeemable because you can tell so much misguidance, but they are BOTH redeemable.

Now one thing I don't like is that it's the "guys" wanting to get lucky...instead of acknowledging a two-sided system

Also consider the fact that goddesses, for the sake of civility, are being forced to respond in certain environments in order to blend in and retain civility and stuff.

Though Keiichi should be told about being reimbursed for food...immediately

...Urd you fool! What did you do!?
Guest chapter 8 . 3/30/2019
Tamiya and frustrating comic relief ever!. Otaki is a bit of a favorite though. Wild, but more chill. Weird huh?

What! Dammit Tamiya! You made all that trouble for nothing!

Hmm...Polt. She's so going to expand their minds. They're going to have to learn a thing or two about Kolbolds.

I think Otaku is more appreciative because he likes cosplay. Wonder if Polt likes cosplay.

Credit where it's due. Smith might be lazy in a way, but that's because she excels in her real job

Use of a Doppleganger for the sake of infiltration? *gasp* How original! -_- Must be wait...She's not harsh enough. -_- Skuld, though a very...calculating Skuld

Konami for the win, but if you're using that company's machine, then your plan sucks
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