Reviews for The Upriser
DawnScarlet19610 chapter 7 . 2/25
The stipulations were good, although it was never discussed or made clear what exactly their roles as figureheads for the war actually encompass. What is expected of them? What exactly are they agreeing to do and how much control do they have over what they will be doing? Are they able to refuse? And what is Coin's endgame? They never ask about what she intends to do after overthrowing the capitol. That's a pretty big deal when supporting a president...
DawnScarlet19610 chapter 6 . 2/25
Doesn't Katniss and Peeta realize that Coin's threats to kill Prim and her mother are ridiculous since that would definitely turn Katniss against helping the rebellion? The fact that Coin threatened her family at all should make it 100% clear to Katniss that she needs to escape and bring her family with her. Katniss has all the power in this situation.
DawnScarlet19610 chapter 5 . 2/25
Considering the way Coin, Plutarch and District 13 went about things, I could never see Katniss and Peeta agreeing to do anything for them at all. Katniss seems rather unintelligent so far... Does she even realize she's been kidnapped and that she and her family are being held hostage while pressured to join a cause they know literally nothing about? I feel like your Katniss is lacking in life experience. I also feel like Snow would have tried to control Katniss so that he could use her power for himself before trying to eliminate her. Does Katniss even realize that all Coin wants is her power, and that Coin needs her more than she needs Coin? I'd like to see Katniss and Peeta give them the middle finger simply for the shit way they were brought into things. I also kinda wish you incorporated the Hunger Games into this rather than Katniss spending years isolated from the world hidden in a forest. Why would she even fight if she's not directly exposed to or involved in the people's suffering? She hasn't suffered at the hands of the capitol except losing her father. The Hunger Games would have been a great way to start her support base like in canon, and you could have made major twists. How did Snow even figure out that Katniss is the one when she was just a baby? Right now Katniss just seems like this clueless, lost and confused girl with powers she can't control that's being used by everyone around her. I get that maybe you want to build her up, but with the way things are right now, even building her character up into a strong force would end up happening much too late.
DawnScarlet19610 chapter 2 . 2/25
So far this story is really making no sense at all. Some background information to lay the foundation would have been nice.
Guest chapter 11 . 8/26/2019
New chapter plz
forevrkat chapter 11 . 2/25/2018
What a fascinating story, can't wait to see what other powers they have.
FabGirl chapter 11 . 10/19/2017
I LOVED it! Finally found an addicted Everlark fan like me :D! Please do update it, I wanna see how the Upriser and the Incendiary ended up ;)
CayStar chapter 1 . 3/15/2017
Reading this again because it's just so unique and well-written. I love your take on the characters- from Katniss being the one to iniate intimacy, to all her different powers and the way they tie into canon in a way. I really hope you finish this one day.
CayStar chapter 11 . 12/12/2016
This is amazing! I really hope you finish it eventually!
miisfxrtune chapter 11 . 12/24/2015
Chalayne chapter 11 . 7/31/2015
Will you be finishing this?
Guest chapter 11 . 12/26/2014
This story is spectacular! Please update soon!
Shanna319 chapter 11 . 10/10/2014
I really missed this story. Sorry it took so long to read and review. I'm so nervous now. Haha. Hope peeta is ok. Looking forward to the next chapter. Amazing as always!
Norbert's Mom chapter 11 . 9/22/2014
Wow. Dr. A is a real jerk in this. Being underground is really messing up with K & P"s moods.
Now I'm worried where Peeta is. I hope Peeta finds her soon.
Jade R. Manning chapter 8 . 9/21/2014
I'm Loving This. I just had to drop a review because this is so amazing! I have been hooked and just had to get from chapter to chapter. This is a unique twist on the romance and drama of THG is just terrific (hmm..I don't normally use that word). I like it a lot. Not many people can pull something like this off. The realism and fantasy mesh together delightfully to make a story that captures the readers by the balls...or other organs...anyways! I love this story and shall continue to read more tomorrow. I hope you update soon though!
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