Reviews for Gold
Claire chapter 22 . 4/13
Enjoyed the story. Can't wait to get to the next one, so glad we have all this free time lol.
Belen09 chapter 3 . 7/25/2016
Something about this chapter always 'bugged me' - did Freddie sense that there was something wrong at the new house?

'Funny story' - when I was twelve I used to walk home a certain way, everyday from school - this one day though I got tired of the usual path and made a slight detour, which brought me past this house and I wondered - looking at the front porch - what it would be like to live there?

I didn't mention this to anyone as my parents were not the kind of people to like that kind of 'wondering' . . . about a year and a half later they announced that we were moving - and I was surprised to find out that it was THAT house . . .

I have wondered about that incident ever since.

So in my mind at least, Freddie could have sensed something . . .
lilsherlockian1975 chapter 22 . 3/3/2015
That was simply brilliant. I enjoy my little stories, but when I read something like this it reminds me how horrible I really am at this. The development was amazing, somehow you managed to keep Sherlock in character, so much in character, yet an older, wiser, married - with - children version of the Sherlock we know and love.

So glad I found your story. It made me think... A lot! Thank you for all the work that went into this. And thank you for sharing.
elbafo chapter 22 . 1/4/2015
Woohoo... Mycroft!

So beautiful the two brothers' different interactions with their sister. I can't wait to find out what her personality will be like.

A lovely story, with a clever case and full of my favourite family moments sprinkled with a liberal amount of angst and good humour. Well done, tda!
elbafo chapter 21 . 1/4/2015
Awesome kids' bedrooms. The house sounds amazing as usual. Ada sounds exquisite... her eyes! A pixie! Adorable!
I'm glad there was a happy ending for the horses and Larry.
elbafo chapter 20 . 1/4/2015
Sherlock and his little baby girl. Is there anything more adorably painted in the world?
Love the nickname Ada. Wonderful that William is such a part of it.
elbafo chapter 19 . 1/4/2015
Thank goodness. This is brilliant, absolutely. And beautiful. And I can't type through tears.
elbafo chapter 18 . 1/4/2015
Oh William, you precious boy.
Sherlock is just so damn funny when he is trying to manage two stressful situations at once. Sorry about the short reviews. Desperate to read on...
elbafo chapter 17 . 1/4/2015
This is hilarious, Sherlock offering Molly his support while waiting for, and dealing with, the cavalry. Can't talk now... must continue...
elbafo chapter 16 . 1/4/2015
Oh, Dr Stapleton! Crap!
Oh Sherlock. I hope you can channel your inner (or Larry's inner) horse whisperer.
Hooray for Arthur! I can see him perfectly now that you've chosen who 'plays' him.
elbafo chapter 15 . 1/4/2015
Stapleton! A genetic experiment with an animal more dangerous than a rabbit! Brilliant twist, and fantastic use of a canon character. So clever, tda!

But this is a bit not good...
elbafo chapter 14 . 1/4/2015
I really enjoyed reading all about the Autism spectrum. You described it in a very concise way, and it was great how you gave Sherlock's perspective, and how it all related to Larry working with horses. Fantastic stuff!
elbafo chapter 13 . 1/4/2015
I'm really appreciating all the behind the scenes of a training establishment. Cool moves, Lars/Sherlock, reciting the poem to connect with Larry.
elbafo chapter 12 . 1/4/2015
I echo that last sentiment, Molly!

Sherlock's Sigerson transformation sounds amazing. I find myself constantly wishing in the show that he would don better disguises.
elbafo chapter 11 . 1/4/2015
Yay for the super couple! Poor Freddy to have been told such awful things by someone who clearly should never work with children.
I'm glad Molly got to put that awful locum in her place, and I thoroughly enjoyed her 'witnessing' Sherlock and Molly's secret love affair, lol!
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