Reviews for Lionsnake Chronicles II: Harry and the Captured Pawn
silverfox2960 chapter 6 . 2/14
Just so you know, Filch is a squib. He can't use magic. Unless you just changed it for the AU.
Pat chapter 12 . 8/29/2019
WHY include transgenderism in a fanfic? Such a small percentage of people are homosexual (2-3%), an even tinier percentage are transgender, but we *have* to get somebody transgender squeezed into a fanfic?...
Doc Junior chapter 15 . 2/17/2019
if harry had indeed been sorted in slytherin this fanfic is really what would have happened !

i couldn t stop reading til the end !

please don t give up your last book it is really worth the effort and your work you get more reviews you deserv it
fhl1234 chapter 15 . 11/30/2018
Wonderful fic.
SortingHat chapter 14 . 8/6/2017
God Damn! You just practically stole the script from the first book. Change a few things around and called it your own. :P Stupid ass!
SortingHat chapter 13 . 8/6/2017
I REALLY hope this isn't going to be full of transgender PC garbage. I hope you are not a CNN (and other ultra liberal brainwashed robots) that just parrot what they say. "All Liberals good, All Republicans bad!" Big government good! Small sensible government bad!
SortingHat chapter 10 . 8/6/2017
"Muggles can't see auras' Bing and Google say otherwise. Look it up!
SortingHat chapter 3 . 8/5/2017
A long hot summer of 80F weather for brits. HOWEVER when it's 89F outside the tube it's 96F inside.
SortingHat chapter 2 . 8/5/2017
"I'll take white then?" That outta make the social justice warriors mad as a red hen! THAT'S RACCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCIST! We need to ban the color white! It represents what the white ancestors did 200 years ago!
SortingHat chapter 2 . 8/5/2017
I thought Harry would question why not saying the name because we muggles are not afraid to say Pol Pot or Adolf Hilter even though they did way worse things then Voldermort could hope to achive with his limited resources. Pol Pot killed smart people so Harry with glasses would've been seen as a *smart* person which is a dangerous person. He was really wacked and out of touch with reality.
SortingHat chapter 1 . 8/5/2017
Since most sites have closed comments I will say it here about this vs AO2 which I like THIS better. (crowd looks at me weird). Reasons is I have some moral values and don't like how A02 is (too) free for all to the point it has resulted in cannibalism. A02 is a great example to see the fall of Rome where they focused more on entertainment to keep the peasants happy while the government willingly wasted money so there was no communication between each other then outside barbarians invaded and that was that.

There is much more then that but our society in the west especially America represents that so many ways even on a major talk radio show they discussed it recently which never did touch the subject before and agreed something needs to be done or it won't end well coming up with various arguments that wounded up in that agreement.

On Discord there was a talk about it. The only time Liberals would mention it is if they can make Bush look bad but with Obama in he keeps Guantamano Bay opened with a farce of an investigation going "Well just tell me if something goes bad" riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight! url?sat&rctj&q&esrcs&sourceweb&cd1&cadrja&uact8&ved0ahUKEwiij9y0gsHVAhVJwFQKHUp7BswQFggoMAA&urlhttp%3A%2F% .com%2Fmagazine%2F2016%2F08%2F01%2Fwhy-obama-has-failed-to-close-guantanamo&usgAFQjCNFN4znCmWJA0DAVKpiupBsXbnRG2g
Vampireking40 chapter 8 . 5/5/2017
That was a great chapter. Especially Harry wanting to let Draco fly in front of his father, but here is the thing if Draco was up there Dobby could have hurt Draco by mistake. So Harry flying in the game was great and the team protecting him from Lockharts spell is how a team should protect there player.
Cyber Seer chapter 12 . 12/15/2016
Invisible Observer chapter 15 . 9/3/2016
Another great story! Glad that Harry and Hermione made up. Please, no Harry/Ginny in the future. Can't wait to start your version of Prisoner of Azkaban.
Invisible Observer chapter 10 . 9/3/2016
Poor Harry. He was making headway into convincing the other houses and then Justin's petrification happens.
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