Reviews for Full Circle
Meganp chapter 12 . 5/1
I think I’ve read this story a million times, and I never get tired of it. You’ve done such an amazing job! I wish I still had more of your great Augnie stories to read.
YoreReader chapter 10 . 8/10/2014
So they've come a long way from the beginning. It seems their story has been fraught with peril, emotional highs and lows, but through it all, their friendship was solid. Whatever happens, they'd still be friends.

But wow, things are heating up. We're almost there, aren't we?
YoreReader chapter 12 . 6/30/2014
Mistakes acknowledged. Lessons learned. Love given and returned. Communication is key. They live happily (if dangerously) ever after.

They make me green with envy that they have this relationship! This rare and genuine feeling for each other that's above all. They've been through hell and back it seems. It's only fitting that they have a chance at happiness together. I'm just extremely happy that they survived to get it.

It makes me hope that the show's theme this season run along the same route as yours did. I don't know if I can live through the reset permanently. This story gives me hope, though. Thank you for that. And thanks for sharing your story so that we may be able to enjoy it. Wonderful job!
YoreReader chapter 11 . 6/30/2014


They're back!
YoreReader chapter 9 . 6/30/2014
Is jumping up and down premature? Yes? Okay, I'll tone it down.

But this is a good sign, right? Slowly but surely. I just hope not too slow. ;)
YoreReader chapter 8 . 6/30/2014
Thank heaven Auggie didn't die or I don't know what I would have done to Nick Galster!

There was a little too many people in that hospital room. But I don't blame since everyone was concerned for Auggie.

I like that doctor. He knows what's good when sees it. ;)
YoreReader chapter 7 . 6/30/2014
Dangnabbit! I knew. I just knew something was going to prevent him from meeting Annie in Paris. It solidified when friggin' Nick Galster asked him to go in his stead for the drop. OMG, Auggie's been shot! I'm hyperventilating!

And Annie has no idea.
YoreReader chapter 6 . 6/30/2014
Oh. Oh my goodness!

That insight... I never thought of them that way. Annie is right. She does cause him fear, stress and vulnerability. And with Parker, it was easy and light. But you know what she got wrong? The darkness. And I don't mean because Auggie's blind. What I mean is, he's dealt with darkness - lots of it, on his own, with what he's done before. I think what she brought him is the fear, the stress, the vulnerability of loving someone. Because all that comes with loving, isn't that right? She's the one person that can bring him to his knees, so to speak.

She needs to tell him she loves him.
YoreReader chapter 5 . 6/30/2014
Thank goodness! I think Annie needs this therapy sessions desperately. And I think I like Gail Larson already.

On the other hand, Auggie and Annie's connection remain intact. Good to know.
YoreReader chapter 4 . 6/30/2014
Okay, I believe Danielle. Auggie does love Annie. I suppose he thought he was doing the right thing giving them both some space?

And Annie? Why didn't she say she loved Auggie? What's up with that? I think she's numb, disconnected, still in shock or something.

The more I read, the more I'm in agreement that they need some time apart.
YoreReader chapter 3 . 6/30/2014
This is devastating me. Simply, I'm a wreck! *bawls*
YoreReader chapter 2 . 6/30/2014
So, the love's there. Right? It has to be. It's not just talk. It wouldn't be this difficult if it wasn't real.

I suppose after everything that went down, given everything that they went through... I believe and concur that they need space. I think they need to figure out who they are apart from each other before they can try to build their relationship, if or when they decide that it's what they want.

Selfishly, I just want them together. I want to lock them up and make them face the harsh realities of their decisions. They either surface or drown but they'll do it together. But then the shock to their systems might blow up in my face, then where would I be? No Auggie and Annie for me.

So your way sounds so much more reasonable. And in hindsight, the only way. It's right.

And maybe, just a tiny bit, possibly... the show's reset is wreaking havoc on my shipper psyche. Forgive me?
YoreReader chapter 1 . 6/30/2014
To clarify - I love Auggie. I love him more than I love Annie, that's for sure. But to be the devil's advocate...

If Auggie loves Annie and always will, how can he give them up?

How can you say you love someone and not give them the chance to put things to right? If life is messy, love is surely more so. People make mistakes all the time, we are not perfect. Sometimes, even with the noblest of intentions, we still go astray and lose our way. The thing is, love helps us find our way back.

Sure, people change. They can change for the better or worse. It all depends, doesn't it? If there's no tether to hold on to, why bother? It can go either way. You give up or you fight and persevere. I'm guessing, Annie will persevere. At least, I hope she does. And I hope she does it for the right reasons.

I hope she finds herself again - a little bruised, maybe battered, most likely changed but still basically her. I want her to find her zest for life, her familial bonds, her love for Auggie and all that it means: passion, loyalty, trust. For that to happen, she'll have to dig deeply. She'll probably need all the help she can get.

But we need to realize that the reason Annie did all that she did was to protect the people she loved. In hindsight, was what she did a mistake? She was misguided. Henry Wilcox played her. She had hubris. She took down a traitor. She lost her identity, her family, the love of her life.

Now if at the end things are still not working and you can't see yourself with them anymore, then I agree that it's over.

I agree that she put them in this situation with her decision in Frankfurt. Actually, she did it before that but I digress. But that decision has cost her dearly - both professionally and personally. Since we can only speculate, how do we know what she's thinking or how she's feeling? Can we say that she doesn't regret her decision? Did she realize what a toll she would be paying?

Where do they go from here?
Marie King chapter 12 . 4/24/2014
While I am utterly sad to see this end I think you wrote the ending to this spectacularly well!
I loved the conversation Annie & Auggie had.

You write this world and it's characters with a depth and understanding only a few on this site has achieved really great work

Please try and write more Covert Affairs stories I always enjoy them :)
Covert Affairs Intelligence chapter 12 . 4/24/2014
OMg this is soooo adorable and to know that it's over is soo sad! I wanna c more soon!
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