Reviews for Cross Game:The Big Day
g0jXU chapter 1 . 9/3/2018
Veri n1c3O6mst0ripG
wimVs chapter 1 . 9/2/2018
Veri n1c3z9gst0ri2r
EphemeralSakura chapter 1 . 8/25/2017
This whole guilty thing is something that I'm sure they'll always feel, you know... of course, they willing let it bother them, but I'm sure it won't simply disappear, and that's one of the best things about their deep connection!
Thank you so much for this story!
AquaticSilver chapter 1 . 4/1/2015
Yes! Thought noone would ever make a Cross Game fic anymore..aww thanks for this! :)
dmt6492 chapter 1 . 3/19/2014
I marathoned this manga today. It is 4 AM and I needed a little more closure. You have given me that. Thank you. This was a wonderfully written (and in my head, canon) ending to the story.