Reviews for The Rise and Fall
Codybennett535 chapter 28 . 2/28/2018
This is my favorite trilogy by far! Like I'm constantly reading all three over and over again. They're all in character too which is good! I like the relationships that are formed like Sam and Merlin, Merlin and the Doctor, Castiel and Sherlock and Clara and Dean. Phenomenal crossover!
zebramouse chapter 28 . 8/22/2017
I have really enjoyed your story/stories (I see it as one really big one), but the final part really had me at the edge of my seat for all 28 chapters, and I'd happily have read that many more. Thank you.
RainbowAnimation chapter 28 . 11/27/2015
I just read the whole trilogy and...I can't even find words. This was beyond amazing. I had so many emotions thought these stories and this just made me so happy and sad and fffffffff-! I cant even! I love these so much! Thank you so much for writing these, I love the feeling I get when I read fic's that are this good. I like a lot of fic's but its unusual ones like these that just make me feel so happy. Again this was amazing and keep writing!
thefreakinme chapter 28 . 11/13/2015
I loved all your stories, thank you so much for sharing them with us. Hope to see you write again.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/8/2015
I loved all three of these stories! I mean this was so good in ways I can't even express completely. Terrific and definitely worthy of five stars.

Um this isn't a complaint but I'm going to name a few characters that I think (my opinion only) would have been great on the team or would have shown up at some point. Okay first one is Captain Jack Harkness, because Torchwood is In the UK and you would think with all this going on he would've shown up at some point. Not to mention it would be nice to see him meet the 11th Doctor again and have him flirt with everyone. And he's immortal which would benefit Arthur's army in a great way. Okay now my second one is Charlie Bradbury. I mean come on this entire trilogy is something that you would think Charlie would be a part of. Not to mention she's into all that Fantasy/SciFi stuff. She would flip out if she actually met Merlin, Arthur and the Doctor. (Talk about fangirl moment.) She would probably flirt with Clara too. And her hacking skills could've been used to hack into the boardcast network and have Arthur give out his own messages about revolution.
And lastly are you ready for this? Drumroll. (Drum rolling) The Trickster AKA Gabriel. First off noway is this guy actually dead. Secondly he had experience with Knights of Hell and it's always good to have someone who has experience. And third he's funny as hell. I mean him and the Doctor probably have known each other and would be going at it like crazy. Not to mention his trickster powers would defentily come in handy too.

But it's your story and just my opinion and like I said before terrific job.
arabellastrange chapter 28 . 2/5/2015
Firstly, I love this trilogy so so much. You had me hooked right at the beginning. The plot builds up so well and every scene plays out like an action movie. Tbh, I haven't really watched Supernatural (scandalous i know) but from what I know of Dean, Sam and Cas, your characterisations were spot on. Don't even get me started on Merlin and Arthur! They were perfect down to every last detail. Yeah, Arthur would make one heck of a motivational speaker and you mentioned the sword twirls, the 'showing off', the 'For the love of the United Kingdom' argh it was just. so. perfect. Merlin's friendship with Sam and the Doctor was so well written it should be canon and I thank you for the ClaraXDean that was genuine but didn't interfere with the storyline. I enjoyed their interaction immensely. And even Gwaine! and the Mickey/Ricky Martha mention! I love how you tie in canon events with your storyline (morgana's prison, the Silence). And the feels...oh I cried. You are an amazingly dedicated and talented person so thank you so much!
Leisey chapter 28 . 1/18/2015
So I've just finished reading this trilogy and it was absolutely amazing! I bow down to you. Your plot was incredible - "Silence will fall when the Once and Future King rises" is the best thing I have ever heard - your characterisation was great and just ... words can't described how much I loved reading this. It was just brilliant and you are incredible. Thank you so much for writing this!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/25/2014
Here's a storyline I would like to see someone write or think of. Queen Morgana who leads the demons has made a truce with the insane Time Lord; the Master. The Master has created a race of Dalek/Time Lord hybrids called Dalek Lords. While Morgana invades the United Kingdom with her army of demons, the Master and his Dalek Lords attack the United States. Humanity has been enslaved and almost wiped out by the devastion of the supernatural and extraterrestrial forces. However, a group of unusual but heroic freedom fighters appear to fight back and reclaim the earth for mankind. The team is comprised of the 12 people.
The legendary sorrecer Merlin, the once and future king Arthur Pendragon, the great detective Sherlock Holmes, an ex-army doctor named John Watson, The last of the Time Lords called the Doctor, the impossible girl Clara Oswald, the informas Winchester brothers Sam and Dean, the fallen angel Castiel, the immortal captain Jack Harkness, the last man of letters known as the Librarian and the geeky genius Charlie Bradbury.
It is up to them to save mankind from extinction and possibly prevent nuclear war.

Now is that kick ass or what?
Z. M. Hawk chapter 28 . 9/5/2014
I don't want it to end. Please. Staaaaaaaay with me.
Z. M. Hawk chapter 27 . 9/5/2014
Well that was unexpected.
Z. M. Hawk chapter 26 . 9/5/2014
Well that was certainly thrown back in her face now wasn't it?
Z. M. Hawk chapter 25 . 9/5/2014
Z. M. Hawk chapter 21 . 9/5/2014
Mickey! Oh gods I'm so excited. And scared. THE SUSPENSE.
Z. M. Hawk chapter 20 . 9/5/2014
Oh my gods my heart I started crying and my friend started freaking out. I love reading this I don't want it to end.
Z. M. Hawk chapter 19 . 9/5/2014
Oh gods. Seriously I do think that you should go into writing. Well air you are already a writer then I want one of your books.
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