Reviews for Waiting for Summer
thekspecialty chapter 7 . 1/18/2016
Please say you're going to finish this? I'm really interested to see what happens. :)
Alyss Penedo chapter 7 . 7/11/2014
Umm... Rest of the chapters by tomorrow? I don't see them XP

The summary is a lie. Because there's no Natori yet...
Sony Boy chapter 7 . 5/5/2014

Curious on how he's going to get noticed by the Natori Clan.
Sony Boy chapter 3 . 5/5/2014
How adorable.
MountainDew chapter 7 . 4/30/2014
I know this is supposed to be a drabble, but it feels extremely disjointed. Maybe you could work on the phrasing somewhat?
hakuzo-k chapter 7 . 4/7/2014
I can't wait for more chapters. Each chapter breaks my heart a little more than the last.
hakuzo-k chapter 5 . 3/24/2014
Thank you for the updates. These drabbles are perfect and makes me want to read more.
CuriosityNeko chapter 4 . 3/18/2014
Short sweet and to the point. It reminds me of a few mini short stories I did once. They all seem to stand on their own a little bit but at the same time combine to make one story. Good job so far. Hope to see more.
Guest chapter 3 . 3/17/2014
cute! but please make the chapters longer and can't wait for the next one
shin chapter 1 . 3/9/2014
I can't wait for Natori-san. So excited. I really wanna see their interactions here. I've always seen Natori as Natsume's older brother.

Just finished my Natsume Yuujinchou marathon. Very good series, I'm glad BONES picked it up.
WKYDGKI chapter 1 . 3/9/2014
Can't wait for the next chapterrrr
GummyTime chapter 1 . 3/8/2014
Okay. That was just awesome. REAAALLYYY awesome. I love the idea behind this series (I think you mentioned 1001 nights Natsume... oh my gosh) and the style of these drabbles... I am so excited to see how this will turn out!