Reviews for Out of the Shadows
WarriorPrincessNumber42 chapter 1 . 8/13/2015
Great first chapter! It really grabbed my attention and I cannot wait to read the rest!
squaredplanet chapter 1 . 7/7/2015
Hey, this is great. Great start so far. Just wanted to say.
Seamus2468 chapter 14 . 4/17/2014
Wow really enjoyed this story. Are you planning on doing a sequel? If you are I would definitely not hesitate to read it. Anyway loved this story you're a really good writer. :)
seetherrayne chapter 14 . 4/16/2014
Perfect ending to a perfect story!
Joryuu12 chapter 13 . 4/16/2014
Hm, I didn't see that coming, Derek becoming an Alpha again. Can there be two alphas running the same territory? I guess we'll see lol
Joryuu12 chapter 12 . 4/16/2014
It seems Stiles and Lydia's tether was put to good use. I'm glad Scott has finally found himself as an Alpha, even if he can't convince Stiles to stay behind, which was doubtful anyway.
Joryuu12 chapter 11 . 4/16/2014
I'm glad Scott is finding his niche as Alpha, and that and I love that Jess is with the Hales. I suppose it IS kind of poetic. It would certainly mean that there is no need to hide the werewolves or the pack from Jess, and in a way, it carries on a family legacy (assuming they adopt him, which is not clear right now because he is a foster child).

Just the idea of a resurrection is scary! I hope we find out why he needs the pack and/or Lydia to do it.
Joryuu12 chapter 10 . 4/16/2014
Hmmm...maybe Jackson will end up on the good side after all, if he felt more allegiance to the London Alpha than he claims.
Joryuu12 chapter 9 . 4/16/2014
Foolish thing to do on Lydia's part, and just as foolish for Derek to let her, assuming he could even stop her. I totally forgot about Gerard but I did suspect he had something to do with it by the small hint you gave earlier. I had also wondered where Peter was but wasn't sure he'd make an appearance or not.

Malia is the one who surprised me...and Jackson. I had not suspected Malia at all, and I hadn't expected Jackson to NOT have something to do with this. Since he's not being completely honest, maybe he knows some of what's going on or maybe has more to do than Scott now thinks, but then again, maybe no. It's started to get twisted! lol
Joryuu12 chapter 8 . 4/16/2014
I hope Scott can teach Jess before the other Alpha makes an appearance. So sad to think that Jackson is bent on revenge against people that were sort of friends, but I could see him feeling like it was their fault Danny had died.
Joryuu12 chapter 7 . 4/16/2014
Looks like things are heating up...
Joryuu12 chapter 6 . 4/16/2014
Yay! They are gonna get married!

The pack is really beginning to coalesce again and fall into place. It seems that Scott needed to feel there was a purpose to drive him to regain his Alpha tendencies. I hope he can establish a bond with Jess before the Alpha that turned Jess comes back for him.
Joryuu12 chapter 5 . 4/16/2014
I enjoyed seeing Scott jump right into Alpha mode, and the others following him unquestioningly, considering the only one that has remained as pack is Isaac. It's good to know that the same sense of family and togetherness, of pack, is still there for them intrinsically.

I think Scott was right not to trust Jackson, sad to say. Something is off about him, and I'm wondering if he blames them for Danny's death and is there for revenge. Danny was his best friend, after all.

Poor Derek! Torn between duty to pack and duty to family. I'm glad Lynn knows about him being a werewolf, at least. And poor Jess! His first night on to a hopefully happier life and it might change completely now.

Looks like maybe another Alpha is trying to build his own pack, maybe to take over Scott's territory or something.
Joryuu12 chapter 4 . 4/16/2014
Sweet reunion between Isaac and Allison. I LOVE Isaac and I'm glad he's in this story! I'm also glad that Stiles and Scott got a chance to talk for a few minutes; I hope Stiles is serious about the idea of rebuilding the pack, in a way, because for some of them that would mean relocating back home.
Joryuu12 chapter 3 . 4/15/2014
Very sweet, I loved this chapter. They all seem to be aware that something is coming, so at least it's not unexpected. I like the idea of Derek being a family man with a foster kid. It smooths him out a bit, gives him a happy future instead of what looked like might be a lonely one considering his past.

I sure hope that now that the pack is back together (minus the twins), that Scott can step up and unite everyone again to fight whatever is coming.

I'm also very curious about what Jackson might be up to.
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