Reviews for The Master Challenge: Johto Arc
Skarloeyisyoung chapter 12 . 7/23/2018
I say tempest tempest the Totodile
Skarloeyisyoung chapter 6 . 7/22/2018
Solidad is more man than Harley makes complete sense
Guest chapter 10 . 8/28/2017
I love how you portrayed Paul
Guest chapter 8 . 8/27/2017
Poor Paul...
Kimmytrainer chapter 10 . 5/14/2017
I'm really excited to find out about Paul's past. I love his broody and mysterious character. Definitely a favorite.
Kimmytrainer chapter 8 . 5/14/2017
Hmm if Ho-Oh knew Ash'a father, then maybe he was an aura guardian. Maybe he left Ash to protect him. That'd be cool. I hope they meet again.
On another note, you make me love Paul more and more each chapter. I like that he protected Dawn, even if it wasn't out of known romantic feelings yet. I hope they get together soon :)
Kimmytrainer chapter 6 . 5/13/2017
Well that was just evil. The Gengar prank was great, though. And Dawn's mishap with a shirtless Paul? Aww poor Paul is shy! But he's really awesome, sticking up for Ash so much. I love it.
I forgot to say, but every time I read Robles I pronounce it like "bubbles" in my mind, except with a soft "o" instead of the "u". It's quite amusing and very unlike the powerful villain he has shown himself to be. Oops XD
Kimmytrainer chapter 5 . 5/13/2017
Oh that chapter was funny XD you've done the impossible - you've made me like Harley. He's doing something good and I'm enjoying it lol he's usually really annoying, but when Solidad's around to curb him in he can be quite fabulous. Also, the Omanyte attack? Brilliant. There is no better target than Harley. Oh, and I love the little competition going on between the boys. A little bit of humor mixed in with the drama goes a long way.
Kimmytrainer chapter 2 . 5/13/2017
Ugghhhh that's so annoying! Misty is annoying, too. Ash forgave her after that kiss with Arthur! Why can't she see that Ash didn't want to kiss the princess anymore than Misty wanted to kiss that jerk? Uggh. Poor Ash. Misty, you're dating a knight for Christ's sake! Certain formalities are required! Geez... sigh I would prefer smooth sailing but I suppose this is more realistic. I hope the prissy princess doesn't get Ash into too much trouble.
reppad98 chapter 13 . 4/27/2017
And this arc finished as well! In two days, this time XD The plot definitely thickens (though, to be honest, I have some difficulty remembering sometimes what events took place in this story and which events in the previous story, because it feels really continuous) and characters and relationships continue to develop. I liked the little scenes showing the bonding between the characters, like the triplets with their fangirls, the girls shopping, fishing together, stuff like that. You mentioned that you are planning on rewriting this, so my tips for that would be that the drama in Misty and Ash's relationship feels forced, with Karui for example, and Misty constantly getting angry when Ash does something, that gets a bit annoying even. And the evolutions, there are a lot of those and that kind of takes the magic away when it's just mentioned in one sentence. I mean, the Striaton brothers have had their elemental monkeys for so long, and yet their evolution was just one sentence in a big paragraph (if I remember correctly). Misty's Psyduck's evolution was well done, though, and Max's Weedle quickly evolving into a Kakuna makes sense, but many other evolutions just don't feel right to me, too quickly and with less attention than they deserve. But those are just my tips, feel free to ignore them, it's your story after all. And don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed it, too. The plot is exciting and I really like the characters and their friendship and relationships. Harley playing cupid is funny, and Dawn kissing Paul was just too cute. Oh, and I like that you involved the loose thread that was the GS Ball as well, you solved it very nicely.
Anyway, thank you very much for writing and finishing this story, I really enjoyed it and you can be very proud for finishing a huge story like this! (And really quickly, too, if the dates are correct, whoa.) I'll go to the Hoenn arc right now and keep writing! !
Vividerdroid chapter 1 . 12/5/2016
J the All Mighty Plot Master chapter 6 . 4/17/2016
this fanfiction is the best I just end reading the spell of unown
Friendshipper chapter 13 . 1/27/2016
i love this ark.. Many of the events are great.. new pokemon is cool!
but about ash, i don't like how he looks perfect, you know.. The powers of its own aura, i love when it is just a normal boy likes Pokemon, not aura or anything like this!

anyway.. GO TO ark hoen, it's my favorite ark :D
Friendshipper chapter 11 . 1/27/2016
Red.. Blue.. Green.. :"(
Gary... :"""(
Friendshipper chapter 9 . 1/27/2016
This chapter is very enjoyable :D
i love times when they have new pokemon x3
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