Reviews for Double & Kiva: The Great Monster Wars
Greensword101 chapter 1 . 12/9/2017
Never read or watched Kamen Rider, but this looks pretty good so far.
MUTO TOHO chapter 2 . 9/13/2017
Ok I'm trying to figure this out here, at the end of Rosario to Kiva Wataru and the girls were Cleary getting married at the end and then the future sons and daughters came and the monster appeared and pretty much the ending from Kamen Rider Kiva, so its obvious that they stopped the monster so how come Wataru isn't married to the girls right now? This clearly takes place after the fight with the king of fangires and presumably the time skip so what happened?
Phelous: great continuity (thumbs up)
mon-ra chapter 6 . 5/26/2015
Looks like things are heating up. Can't wait to see where all of this is leading up.
RyoTheSaiyan chapter 6 . 5/23/2015
I feel like you are missing a section.

Right after Mayumi charges at Kurogasa, it switches to a completely new scene that's probably farther ahead.

I think you need to go back and fill in the gap.

Otherwise awesome work going on.
ROCuevas chapter 6 . 5/22/2015
Once again a great job.
Kamen Rider Chrome chapter 6 . 5/22/2015
I finished reading the chapter. However, there is one issue

"Your new look suits you, Mayumi-chan," Aya giggled at Mayumi's new avian kaijin form complete with green feathers covering her body, a long neck topped with the silver head of a bird and yellow toothed beak where her head had once been, a pair of small bird wings sprouting from her shoulders and a pair of long, metallic talons growing from her arms. The Bird Dopant flapped menacingly between Kurogasa and Aya, as if she was blocking Kurogasa from reaching her tormentor. "Do me a favor and get rid of this little worm for me." Aya commanded and Mayumi charged for Kurogasa unquestioningly.

Aya could only look at the redhead before her in abject fear and anger, having been on the receiving end of a merciless beating from the young man.

I think there is a portion here missing in-between paragraphs.
Kamen Rider Chrome chapter 5 . 2/14/2015
Well, this is a nice surprise. We see some moments in YA and how Taiga is handling the news of his brother joining the ANTI-THESIS group. Also, the new Rook and Bishop have appeared. They would be definitely welcome additions. Hey, why not feature some moments with Wataru next time?

Keep up the good work, men.
BANKAIZEN chapter 5 . 2/10/2015
BANKAIZEN chapter 1 . 2/10/2015
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