Reviews for One Day
peppermints smile chapter 1 . 1/17/2017
I don't understand why this doesn't have more reviews? This is a BEAUTIFUL piece of work and it's so realistic as to how difficult it would be for Tess to assimilate to somewhat of a more "normal" life. You ought to post this under The Last of Us section over on archiveofourown, there seems to be more readers there and this story would definitely get the love it deserves!
adventurecroft96 chapter 1 . 7/12/2016
Really great story! :) It's interesting to think about how Tess would view herself among Joel and Ellie
Not JayAreVee chapter 1 . 2/22/2014
Yeah, this is great and all, and I'm happy for Tess, but... could you turn this into more of a Joel x Bill fanfic? I mean yeah, sure, there are plenty of writers who do that sorta thing, but I believe your writing style really lends itself to the genre!

"It would take time, but one day, Joel would find the strength he always had inside. One day the faded courage would return. One day the ability to discuss painful memories would manifest. One day, it will be okay talk about Tess."
Guest chapter 1 . 2/22/2014