Reviews for Disingenuous
elkyouya chapter 1 . 10/14/2015
Butterfree chapter 1 . 3/27/2014
I liked it, even though it was sad! It was a subtle beautiful kind of sad that had e kept reading like a treaure. Thank you for the read!

nijiironocrayon chapter 1 . 2/23/2014
Dura-chan, it's really... depressing and sad, but somehow sweet. I guess sad stories are your forte after all. No offense thoughIpreferpureromancestoryhaha. Maybe I should challenge you again to make another KiKuro Sorry for replying late, busy with college you see.
yuyane chapter 1 . 2/22/2014
First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR GIVING THE DEFINITION OF THE TITLE, or else it would have bugged the heck out of me. This story was truly sad. Kise likes Kuroko, but at the same time, he doesn't feel worthy of Kuroko. He won't ever be Kuroko's light and he knows that. Though Kuroko isn't going to feel the same way Kise feels for him, he won't forget about his memories of Kise. And from what I got from this, is that even though it's an unrequited love, at least Kuroko is never going to forget about Kise.
To sum up: Great oneshot!
Kensy Echo chapter 1 . 2/21/2014
It's a really beautiful story... Really, their feeling reach my heart so much that it hurts until I was crying. Yes, this story is able to make me cry... I love your writing style and your way to deliver their feeling to the reader. It's so lovely and heart-breaking... Especially to the fact that Kise is too nice and Kurokocchi is being an observer and wise boy like usual. And I don't believe it's your first slash story? You really won my heart with this story! I've long not crying by a story and now you've made me crying. So, thank you very much. May I add this on my favorite list?

Keep writing and please write more!

Ginpachi-sensei chapter 1 . 2/20/2014
I don't really understand it... Can you explain?