Reviews for Imbue
FanladyGreen2012 chapter 5 . 6/26/2017
Dude that's probably the best spot you could stop reading this story. It's a little dark for me and I'm not very good at picturing things but? Wow. The visuals in this story are BEAUTIFUL. You've done an amazing job writing this, grammar and spelling included. Awesome fic, my friend.
Scarllete chapter 5 . 8/14/2016
This story is amazing! I love your style and how the well the plot flows! I hope you update soon.
dany54 chapter 5 . 8/13/2016
Since I've read the first chapter I've become so addicted to this fic (in a good but obsessed way)...I honestly believe it's AMAZING!
But really Senpai, your killing me, I'm starving to read the ending of this beautiful plot (although I wished it never did end, lol)
I have enjoyed it so far, but feel incomplete!
*dramatically falls on knees*
"Please, oh pleeeease! MERCY!"
4555LC chapter 5 . 3/8/2015
... This is finally starting to make sense but at the same time it's not, like?

Oh and your last comment at the end about Levi messed me up. I am both very concerned and excited.

Imanginary-Moon chapter 5 . 11/22/2014
this was definitely worth staying up past 3 am to read
this was something i didnt realize i needed
this is literally one of the greatest things i have read. ever. period

and i really cant wait for the next chapter
UnicornWithABananaHorn chapter 5 . 10/27/2014
This story... I just... I lOVE IT.
2AMhypoxic chapter 5 . 9/20/2014
most incredible thing i have ever read.
Glasses chapter 5 . 9/20/2014
Is it weird that I was disappointed when the story ended?
Daphmir57 chapter 5 . 9/20/2014
Honestly, make them suffer why don'tchya? I can't see this deliciously dark story having a GOOD ending. There'll be some major fighting and pain and crying, but that always ends in a good way right? Wrong. Levi Heichou was never as good as he seemed. After all, he fell in love with someone like Eren.
Daphmir57 chapter 4 . 9/20/2014
So, Eren has a past. And a dark side. Honestly, why? Like, whoo, okay. I don't know, I like the vibes from this story. Eren plays a bigger role than I thought and Levi Heichou...well, how should I know? Now, did Levi know that this would happen to his dear Petra or was he just foolishly blinded by his love for Eren? Only you would know, huh?
Daphmir57 chapter 2 . 9/20/2014
So I shall. Okay, weird manipulative vibes from Levi Heichou. Not unusual. But, something bad is about to happen. Like, all of this is going to bite them in ass. They're both going to suffer because they won't accept it, even if they think they do.
Daphmir57 chapter 1 . 9/19/2014
I'm sorry I haven't read this story yet. It seems amazing and is. Schools swamped me. This is nice because I'm sort of obsessed with all the GOD'S stories. Love, pain, suffering, etc. I like this, I like it a lot
akucintarendang chapter 5 . 9/19/2014
Yes yes yes yes ! Thank you for updating ! I cant wait for more ! / this is really interesting !
AuRi416 chapter 5 . 9/18/2014
Thanks soo much for the update! I really like this One!
IWillBeYourWings chapter 5 . 9/17/2014
Wow, this was crazy. Crazy-amazing kind of crazy. How Eren was the one in the song, how Carla kind of really sucks, how Levi isn't as bad as he seems, how Petra was jealous, how Armin is cunning, and, finally, how Zues is a grade A d-bag, even if Erwin takes his mantle. Good luck, Carla. Both gods have what they want, and your son is crazy and murderous. Good luck getting him back. Does she even know that Eren goes psycho sometimes?
I'm glad Eren woke up!
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