Reviews for The Situation Restoration
Buddy5647 chapter 13 . 11/27/2016
Have you read Tragic Fairytale by IAmMolly? How strange is it that I am reading both Penny miscarriage stories AT THE SAME TIME!? You are really being mean,evil and wicked, she is doling out punishment. Thing is Leonard gets it in the shorts both ways! You know I have no problems with your writing, so consider yourself praised effusively while I figure out which one to finish and which to put down for a while. I cannotvand will not subject myself to both at once. Be well. Buddy
mjc45 chapter 35 . 2/13/2016
Great finish to the story. Can not wait for the third part
Of the grow-up Hofstadter's, and how penny will tell Leonard
That there will be a baby on the way.
hokie3457 chapter 35 . 12/30/2015
Ahhh. 35; Thirty-Five. A very nice number indeed (here in the US, you are constitutionally eligible to attain the office of President at 35 years of age-useless factoid, my specialty!). Loved the happiness in the opening sections. The bride surrounded by her friends, mom and sister. A little bit of teasing and her excitement? Fun to read. That coupled with the groom's awakening and finding his former roommate in his typical, yet cute under-the-circumstances persona also worked well. Both parties facing the coming event with joy in their hearts!

The easy back and forth with Bridget while having her toe nails done; the looking forward to kids-then bang! The panic attack. That short sequence fit perfectly with her character and a great job by you in having Bridget there to alleviate her fears (touching, your mention of "the baby, my baby-our baby" perfect you having her thoughts go there!). Also liked the picture you painted of mini Hofstadters running around with Converse sneakers and purple dress(es)!

The short phone call, "just because" was more than adorable. Loved the close: " 'Meet you at the altar.' 'I'll be waiting' ". You are so perfectly building up to THE moment in this chapter.

Wyatt. The "picture". Sharing that picture with his soon-to-be son-in-law. Calling his wife "Mer"? All of these little things just added so much for me.

The moment she saw "that smile" was one of those melting moment! Penny's quick consideration of her dad as he lets her go. The sniping between Beverly and Philip. Your addition to the canon vows was just wonderful. All of these enlarged that beautiful moment when they united; wrapping it around and into your fabulous work here and it's predecessor. You gave us something as special as we find this wonderful and amazing couple. Your fade to black moment was perfection. Yes. The Situation Restoration. Beautifully written T/W. You know how I love this work. I can't thank you enough for writing. Take care of yourself. We all look forward to your next part of the trilogy!
sladenoddy chapter 35 . 12/30/2015
Thanks for this story I liked it immensely. Dr Leonard and Mrs Penny Hofstadter starting a new chapter as a married couple, couldn't be better.
SRAM chapter 35 . 12/30/2015
The chapter started out so well, Penny happy and excited, and the Leonard too. Then Penny started to panic and I was holding my breath as I read, wondering if she was going to run. But it happily worked out and the story had a great ending, Dr and Mrs Hofstadter starting their life together. It was a great story and I always enjoy your writing, thanks for sharing another story with us.
zhalen565 chapter 35 . 12/29/2015
Honestly, your writing always sparks interest, be it angst, introspection, humour. You never fail to deliver the characters perfectly, I even enjoyed Sheldon in these two chapters, his anal narcissistic self but turning those traits into thoughtful and helpful causes for those close to him. The simple comments "no superhero t-shirts under the Tuxedo shirts" and now another use for the snooze button. I cannot wait for part 3, but please get well first.
MollyBananahammock chapter 35 . 12/29/2015
THIS WAS SO PERFECT OMG! I loved every single second of it! Even that little bit where penny begun to freak out cos at first I was like shit no it's happening something bad is going to happen but it didn't, or rather, Bridget didn't let it happen cos she was like NO I KNOW YOU WANT TO MARRY LEONARD NOW SHUSH AND CHILL! It was all just so cute and I love that you used parts of the canon wedding vows in it because they really were perfect and you just enhanced the perfection. And even though I'm a bit gutted this has ended cos you know it's my fave I am so excited about the next instalment of this story! My favourite kinds of Lenny stories are ones that aren't all happy and explore a side to Leonard or penny that we have never seen in canon but could realistically happen. I like seeing the characters go through things that the show would never actually touch upon and especially when it's all kept in character and wonderfully written and that's what this story was. It was all angsty and heartbreaking and made me cry and want to hurt you for making me cry but also funny and happy and cute and fluffy; all the things a good fanfic should be! So rest up, chill out, let your hand mend and then hurry back and start the next part of this story cos I already can't wait to see what happens to these guys next!
MollyBananahammock chapter 34 . 12/29/2015
Eeeeee this is so exciting! The wedding is almost heeeeeere! I should point out here that I have not read the next chapter yet cos I wanted to do the review for this one first which btw was hard to do I've been itching to read it since it was posted last night. This was a nice cheery chapter which was good the whole way through I just kept getting more and more excited about the pending wedding! SO glad the Hofstadters and the Nebraskans all got on well together! That could have been a bit of a disaster if they all hated each other. The Shamy section where Amy was talking about when she first knew how much Penny card about Leonard was just the cutest. I love that you gave that time when Amy took Leonard to the wedding a bit of a backstory and I just loved the idea of penny telling Amy to get Leonard up dancing cos it's adorable and ugh the sadness of the whole 'I'll be dancing at Leonard and Priya's wedding alone' thing! Thank god that never happened! Ugh Priya *side eye* anyway now they've been 'kidnapped' and yayyyyy they're about to get married and become the Hofstadters! Unless you do something evil of course, like I said I don't actually know but Im sure you haven't and if you have prepare for a shit storm of Molly anger coming your way!
son-goku5 chapter 35 . 12/29/2015
Loved that story. And I really hope that you continue this with another installment, continuing their journey through life.

By the way: "race against the clock" - loved that line :D
fixitmr chapter 35 . 12/28/2015
Well done ... very well done ...


awaiting your next story ...
bamadude chapter 35 . 12/28/2015
Sometimes I hit the wrong should have read Penny was so exited and then started to Freak out at what she was so excited about.I'm happy that Bridget calmed her down and got her head right. Not only was this a great chapter, but a great story as well. I really loved how Wyatt shared that picture and wonderful story with Leonard. He knows Leonard is the one man who loves Penny more than he does. I can't wait for the next segment to begin. I'm hoping you will have a Happy New Year as well.
bamadude chapter 35 . 12/28/2015
WOWSERS, what a great chapter. I think that this is one of the best marriage descriptions I have ever read. Penny was so excited and then
sladenoddy chapter 34 . 12/22/2015
will Penny get drunk and demand her Leonard on her hen night, I wouldn't put it past her, everyone would need some pretty good noise cancelling headphones if that was the case, Lol.
I so love Lenny fluff, and I am loving this story will Leonard be able to act the man when he sees his Soulmate Penny walking towards him at the altar?. so looking forward to the next chapter, thank you for writing.
hokie3457 chapter 34 . 12/22/2015
A very satisfying and nicely done penultimate chapter! (I agree, 35 is a nice number!). There was a lot done here. One word that does it for me is reflection. Especially Sheldon and Amy's conversation. They used the impending wedding to reflect not only on Leonard and Penny's relationship (extremely well done with the short reminiscence of both Priya and the wedding Amy attended with Leonard!), but their own. The thoughts of their friend's experience was a jumping off point to think about themselves. How often this happens in the lead-up to a wedding. Again, nicely done.

The "kidnapping" of the couple was cute and a great way to help them relieve the stress the waiting for the next day is having. They bride & groom's continuing abstinence is taking a toll. That will be one memorable wedding night for them both, I'm sure!

Finally, my favorite was Leonard's "So...this is it." The day that they have waited for is just one night's sleep away. That short sentence says it all. A great update T/W. I'm looking forward to the next step, both in this story and in whatever the third installment brings. Your readers wish you a magnificent Christmas and most heartfelt prayers on your upcoming surgery.
SRAM chapter 34 . 12/22/2015
That was funny, Penny being put out on the couch because she can't seem to keep her hands to herself even when asleep. This subplot of Penny having to do without until married is halarious, but I worry she may hurt Leonard on their honeymoon when the dam bursts (LOL).
The family getting along is nice, but they still have to make it through the reception, which Bev and Leonad's father, plus one, will be at too. Hopefully there won't be too much drama, they deserve a normal wedding.
Sorry to hear this story is ending, but them getting married is a good place to end. I hope everything goes well with your surgery and you have good health. Happy Hoildays and here is to 2016 being a great year.
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