Reviews for Disney's Frozen: A Royal Wedding (Elsa x Reader)
Monkey Typewriter chapter 30 . 5/5
Did I read it all in one day? Yes. Was it adorable? Also yes.
DaBlueMew chapter 14 . 1/14
I love how marshmallow calls Elsa 'mama'. It's just too precious.
Guest chapter 30 . 12/24/2019
So good! Totally worth the read!
xXSuperGeekXx chapter 30 . 7/12/2019
I've read this story 4 times now, and I still love it. Definitely one of my favourites.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/22/2019
I'm sorry to say that your work has been copied and put onto wattpad by GoldMortise. I've read up to chapter 12, and so I can verify that it is almost completely the same as yours. Apart from a few sentences being removed, they are identical. I thought it right to tell you.
RubbleOnTheDouble chapter 1 . 3/28/2018
This is the best story ever! I love you so much author. And thank you for making it for females too! That makes me love u even more! So inclusive! And the story was amazing! U made me cry too! Fantastic job!
Astrovert chapter 30 . 1/7/2018
I like this story.
But, the plot has some shortcomings sprinkled here and there, and moves at a breakneck pace. One of my questions is: Why was Ozpin so lenient and trusting of a person he just met? Yeah he's got that "ancient wisdom" that comes with being old and experienced, but common sense dictates that a simple look in the eye of what seems to be a nutjob (He was saying things that should sound absolutely BATSHIT insane to any right minded Remnant denizen) shouldn't merit complete or even partial trust. Another one is why the hell didn't Glynda or anyone accompanying Isaac wear Hazmat suits? Come on now, common sense. When fighting what is essentially ravenous, highly infectious, mutated zombies, you should probably wear something to keep from being infected. Also, as far as I know, the Humans from Remnant are, well... Human. I mean, what are the odds that, Remnant exists in the same universe that an Earth occupies? The Crash Theory does sound viable, but it doesn't explain Aura or Semblance. And this just my opinion, but it would've been cooler if Isaac entered into a wormhole, and was de agedso he could attend Beacon, or maybe just an AU younger Isaac. Anyway, I like this fic. The grammar is okaycomparitively speakingand the Holy crap, man. Props.
"Reader X" fics have always been a guilty pleasure of mine, given how hard it is to find a good one. But this one is excellent. Not only are the chapters short and sweet yet still gripping, the fluff is actually taking place within a plot, unlike other stories. You, wrote the "Reader" character very well, and the situations they were in had me at the edge of my metaphorical seat. You made it a point to establish the Reader as an underdog, which was a good touch to me. My only gripe is that there weren't ENOUGH Elsa scenes. And I apologize for sounding like a perv, but I would've liked to see a smut scene. They always make the relationship feel more organic.

Anyway, Imma be smiling during Frozen 2, thank you for this fic.
LuciferXD chapter 30 . 12/12/2017
yo i'm speechless...
Hannah Metzger chapter 15 . 5/4/2017
Hannah Metzger chapter 1 . 5/4/2017
This is good!
AOA chapter 30 . 3/18/2017
I absolutely love this fic!. It's perfect in every way!. It made me feel like it was written exclusively for me!. It brought out my emotions as I read it, as well as my feelings toward Elsa!. It made me feel like I was actually in the story!. This is the best Elsa/Reader fic I've ever read!. Thankyou so much!.
hylia.yggdrasil chapter 30 . 12/19/2016
That was beautiful from start to finish, i loved every chapter and all of the care that was put in to them.
Hanna chapter 1 . 11/19/2016
I just loved this so very much! 10/10. I highly recommend.
Golden Goddess chapter 30 . 2/11/2016
This was a really cool way of writing a story and the plot may have been a bit cliche, but it was a nice ride. Angry threatening suitor seems like the way people like to go on too many stories, and it always seems forced and unbelievable anyone could fall for it. Elsas pretty smart. The troll song was really nice. I dunno if it would have been possible to put more detail into the story, dunno if that would have worked in its favour. right ho, then.
berd123 chapter 30 . 1/25/2016
I really like this story, guilty as charged. That was amazing and just to adorable but to be honest I'm biased because it's an Elsa x Reader fanfic. So it's hard to even pretend to be objective.
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