Reviews for The Trial of Khan
galwidanatitud chapter 34 . 7/9/2017
This is a great story. I sure hope you haven't given up on it. :-)
Hercules8 chapter 8 . 5/3/2015
Pretty good story! :)
Sassiebone chapter 34 . 3/16/2015
Yay! A new chapter. You are alive. (Snicker) I knew you were. As always, what's up with Bones, Suzanne and Kahn's son? I know. One thing at a time. :D
wolfshalom chapter 2 . 10/21/2014
Awesome. I love the story so far-it's great! There are a few minor typos, but, all in all, it seems pretty flawless. And you nailed Spock and Khan dead on! Great job!
Guest chapter 33 . 7/15/2014
Epic place to stop at! I can't wait to know what will happen next! :)
Sassiebone chapter 33 . 5/13/2014
I want to read more about a naked and chained Kahn!
Sassiebone chapter 32 . 5/6/2014
Yah! I needed this chapter. Woke up with a headache and chills. This story make me feel so much better. I love this western feel to the story. It's so much like the original Star Trek series.
Sassiebone chapter 31 . 5/2/2014
Oh, dear lord. How I wish this chapter continued. This is great stuff. I love the humor. It's the best.
And showing how Augments have feelings. ...awwwwwesome!
Sassiebone chapter 30 . 4/27/2014
A shirtless and wet Kahn. A bunch of drunk Augments. Sounds like my kind of party. MEOW.
Sassiebone chapter 29 . 4/24/2014
With all the "fun" going on, I'm still struck with Kahn's sadness. It's awesome. You are giving him the depth of character that it always needed. Good job!
BotanyCameos chapter 28 . 4/15/2014
Hopefully he can cling to life because of his son. I love that Kirk and Khan seem to be getting closer. :D
Sassiebone chapter 28 . 4/14/2014
I love your dragon references in describing Kahn (remnants of Smaug). And the tanks painted black to stand out against the enemy. ...the Red Baron!
BotanyCameos chapter 27 . 4/12/2014
Oh holy crap that chapter was hot. I loved their victory celebration with the augment women celebrating life by conquering Khan after he conquered the enemies. Lovely image, and Khan that way is just so hot! :D3
Sassiebone chapter 27 . 4/11/2014
Tanks, blood, and sex. Kahn's history is, to quote an old friend, fascinating!
Sassiebone chapter 26 . 4/10/2014
Kahn is such a bad ass, but he has a conscience. Am very much enjoying the hurt of Kahn that we are learning from Joachim. Waiting for the comfort. :p
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