Reviews for Dragon Tamer's Isle
Purpleflame2 chapter 3 . 6/7/2019
Please don't discontinue this amazing work. I've read it so many wondering what could happen next only to find it in my imagination... which by the way is not fun then reading... I think. Don't mean to be whining or pushy just expressing... I guess?
Icicle chapter 3 . 5/9/2019
Hi, I really like your story, and if you have time could you add another chapter please? Hiccup should not be "dragon-blooded" and there should be a slow father build
AwesomePickleXD chapter 3 . 2/23/2019
please contiue with this story
Purpleflame2 chapter 3 . 1/7/2019
Update! Have you read Spirit Animals? Cause the villain is named Kovo, and that was funny, but Kovo fitted nicely with the leader! Please, pretty please, update!
Azurepheonix chapter 3 . 11/24/2018
Please continue though I can't decide if I would like to see him as Dragon blooded or not even if the lack of Dragon blood could make for some extremely interesting interactions between the characters. I do think that Kovu should be a father or uncle figure.
StellaWolf chapter 3 . 11/18/2018
I vote "no" on the dragon blood. it'd be more fun, interesting, and shocking if hiccup wasn't of dragon blood. making things more confusing for kovu and the others
Guest chapter 3 . 7/15/2018
Yes, I would very much love it if hiccup was dragon-blood, I personally would love to see this idea in play. I love reading fics with hybrid Hiccup. Maybe, in the future of this story, you could have him realize that some of the weird things he does/ the weird way he behaves is because he is dragon-blood(ex. Him reacting to 'dragon nip', why he hates eel, why he feels more at home in the air with Toothless than on the ground, etc.) So far, I think this is beutifully executed. As for the idea of Kuzo?(Sorry, I for the life of me can't remember his name right now) becoming a father figure for Hiccup... I would be carefully with this idea. It would be very easy to accidentally ruin the plot or make 'cheap' 'father-son' moments. Just a word of caution. However, if done with the view of 'the father I never had' and your writing skills, I can see this working wonderfully and adding a lot to the plot and over-all quality of the atory. Just please be careful, because I absolutely love this story so far, and I think that you've made it perfectly so far, and I really would be sad if something went wrong with the relationship. Sorry, I know my expectations are high, but based on what I've gathered of your writing style, you have the capability to make this really great!
Anyways, thank you so much, and please update as soon as you can(make sure your not stressing yourself however!).
unknown chapter 3 . 7/21/2017
please i want to read this story please
Waterdragon1123 chapter 3 . 6/13/2017
No he should be like some weird anomaly just like he always is
Mei1395 chapter 3 . 9/19/2016
Even though it's been over two years since your last update, I really hope you will update this. It's too good to be forgotten. Also, I think it would be cool if Hiccup is dragon blooded but Kovu shouldn't become a father figure since he already has a loving father, who's been trying his hardest to reconnect with his son after the first movie.

I hope you'll continue! :)
Dimensional Phaser chapter 3 . 7/15/2016
yeah, being dragon blooded would be cool but i don't think kovu should be a father figure
BlackRoseDraco chapter 3 . 3/2/2016
yes Hiccup should be 'Dragon Blooded'.
Siljaros1994 chapter 3 . 2/26/2016
Oh great storie, i think hiccup should be dragon blood, he also should have had thous abilitiys when he was far youngur, like 5 or 6, so he didint remember ever being diffrent.
Guest chapter 3 . 1/9/2016
Hey sooooo... are you ever going to update this. Like add another chapter. Cause i really like this stpry and i want to know what happens to it. I know that you are busy with losts of other stories and real life buy can please update or do something small or an authors note or something. Please?
Brenne chapter 3 . 12/9/2015
I think it would be cool if Hiccup had dragon blood, and Kovu could become a father figure to Hiccup, Hiccup would be rebellious at first of course. I wonder if Hiccup would change and come to like living there, and what would happen when Stoick and his friends from Berk come to rescue him. I wonder if this'll be like a Stockholm Syndrome fanfic (I love those! XD). I gotta see what happens next! Looking forward to more! XD
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